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Link would have preferred to not step foot within the Buried Necropolis. But immediately, Graya ushered them to the ghost town to save the spirits there. Specifically Headmaster Gaepora and Graya's ancestor, a guard named Pipit.

At first, the necropolis was quiet. But then, Ganondorf and Link quickly noticed that there were cursed lizalfos roaming the streets and houses within the walls.

Link summoned Lei.

"Yes, Hyrule Warrior?" the woman asked.

"What exactly are we supposed to do here?" the hero asked in confusion.

Lei looked around. "This is the Buried Necropolis. It was once the home of several Skyloft spirits who were formerly people. But it has been taken over by a menace named Voltran. You and your Gerudo companion must find the key to the main palace, where Voltran resides. The key is sitting in a chest outside of the palace." she explained helpfully.

Link and Ganondorf looked at each other.

"Is that it, hero?" Lei asked.

"Yes, Lei. Thank you." Link responded. The Zonai woman returned to the crystal.

"Well, let's get started." Ganondorf suggested reluctantly.


Link slayed the last cursed lizalfos and the rest of the stone fell away from the spirit. He rose up and looked at the hero.

"Hello, there. Who might you be?" the man asked.

"Link. The Hyrule Warrior." Link answered.

The spirit raised an eyebrow. "I see. You are the new hero of legend. I'm Mardon, the first ruler of the Skyloftians when we migrated to the surface. As thanks for saving me, here is one of the keys that can unlock the gates to the main palace of the Buried Necropolis."

Link was given a small golden key with a sapphire on the handle.

"Thank you." Link responded gratefully. Mardon nodded and disappeared somewhere.

The hero returned to the main street where Ganondorf was waiting with a golden key of the exact same form. They slid the keys into the locks and opened the gates.

And in the courtyards, a huge lizalfos completely covered in armor appeared.

Link reached for his Zonai Crystal and Ganondorf raised his hands. Voltran charged forward.

Ganondorf blasted the fiend with a burst of fire. Then another blast of electricity with his own magic.

Voltran changed its trajectory towards Ganondorf. Link summoned a bunch of magic whips like Saria had taught him. They all zoomed towards Voltran and knocked a piece of armor off.

The monster roared in anger and charged towards Link. Ganondorf sent another burst of fire at the monster to distract it.

Link sent a bunch of purple magic orbs at another piece of armor. Voltran was still focused on Ganondorf. The hero used the power of the Triforce of Courage to strike it with lightning.

Voltran froze temporarily due to electrocution. Another piece of armor fell off.

After several minutes of this, all of the armor was gone. Voltran collapsed and disappeared.

In its place was Pipit. Link gasped slightly and looked at the boy. He walked forward and reached out towards the guard.

"Hey, Link. Been forever, hasn't it?" Pipit joked.

"Indeed." Link said.

The young guard laughed lightly. "I have been here waiting for when you would finally return."

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