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Link had fallen asleep in his study at the Tech Lab. He woke up amd ate some wheat bread before quickly returning to his work. So far, he had figured out the use of the Crystal. It isn't meant to be held. It's meant to levitate when the user exudes an enormous amount of power. Such as the champions or the Triforce.

Link had written down a small book's worth of notes and had taken his papers down to Purah. She read over tham studiously.

"Amazing. It's like a Divine Beast. It requires someone who holds an unnatural power to control it. So perhaps Zelda or even the Champions could use this relic." Purah admired. "I suggest you take this to Robbie at the Akkala Citadel. He would probably be able to fill in some of the gaps in your research and perhaps add on to it."

Link nodded and slipped the Zonai Crystal back into his bag. He marked the Akkala Citadel on his Sheikah Slate and parted for the fortress.


Link made a stop at Castle Town to pack his bags for the upcoming journey. This included his bow, 50 arrows and a lot of food, including some rock roast Daruk had given him. No one could figure out how Link could even eat rocks. It was unbeknownst to anyone.

He noticed the sun was setting and went downstairs to his study desk in the main room. He continued some more of his research.

He started looking at the golden rings. That's when he noticed something on the rings. They were words. Link walked to his bookshelf and pulled out his Zonai encyclopedia.

He matched each letter to the Hylian alphabet. And the rings read:

"One who possesses courage beyong humanity, the power of the Zonai rests upon your power to protect your people..."

The script continued but the relic was already worn down after being unused for several thousand years.

Link held the crystal in one hand and focused on it. The crystal stayed still. But was the green glow getting brighter?

With a flash of light, the Zonai Crystal began to levitate slowly, the rings rotating faster and faster.

Link stood up and the crystal followed his hand. He turned his focus away and the crystal fell down into his hand. He stared at it in astonishment.

He quickly hid it in his desk and went to sleep.


Link wrote a note saying that he was trekking out to Akkala Citadel to meet with Robbie and shoved it in between the slats of his door before leaving. He had the Zonai Crystal in his bag and his necessities in a bag strapped to the back of Epona.

He rode off through the eastern town gate that led out towards Eldin and Akkala.

It was night when he reached the citadel. The guards allowed him entry into the citadel and he found his way to Robbie's study where he was still studying Sheikah weapons to make his own models.

"Ah, yes, Link. Purah told me you were paying a visit to the citadel due to your findings of an ancient relic. Have you brought your research and the relic?" Robbie immediately got down to business.

Link took out the Zonai Crystal and his research book. Robbie read through his research.

"It seems you have found out quite a lot. Have you found any potential  candidates to test this relic's power?" Robbie looked at him questioningly.

Link nodded and pointed at himself. He grabbed the papers from Robbie and flipped to the final page. He handed it back to Robbie and read it out loud.

"I have tested this relic on myself and the power of it is beyond imaginable. I believe it could easily hold the power to compete with the Triforce of Power itself. If so, then it can finally defeat the infinite tide of evil from returning to Hyrule. I believe it could also allow the user to become a dragon when at full power or when the user focuses his or her courage down to a single, unbreakable point." Robbie read.

He walked over to his desk and dug out a notebook, a pen, and a small object that looked like an ancient Sheikah relic.

"Let's go out to the Torin Wetlands. Time to test out your Zonai Crystal." Robbie walked on ahead out of his study towards the main hall of the citadel.

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