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Link and Ganondorf were in Castle Town. The Gerudo King was browsing the nearby wares of the merchants. Link was reading a letter he had received from Daylen.

Dear Link,

The battle was called off. I should be going back to Goponga Village in about a month. Apparently, a new town has very abruptly appeared on Rist Peninsula. We have not an idea where it came from. We have dubbed it Rist Village.

I hope you are alright. The Aygi Clan has apparently been rampent around Lake Hylia in the past few days. Be careful. I heard word that General Hart is taking his platoon out to survey the issue.

I will try to visit you in Castle Town if possible.

Sincerely and wholeheartedly,

Link could say the same. He had magic and a cool sword. Daylen had only a normal sword and average skills of a typical Hylian soldier. He had less of a chance against the Aygi than Link did.

Please keep Daylen safe. Link thought hopefully.

Ganondorf returned with a few bottles if milk and some apples. He sat beside Link and they ate lunch together. But underneath, they were both hyperactive.

Does Link like me? Did he appreciate the milk and apples? I wonder where we will be going next. Hopefully to his bed. Ganondorf thought, sneaking glances at Link.

I wonder if Ganondorf likes me. I wouldn't be complaining if he does, he's pretty hot. Would he be open to a relationship with me? Link wondered, looking at Ganondorf on occasion.

"Once we finish lunch, you wanna go to my house?" Link asked innocently.

"Of course." Ganondorf answered. Though his thoughts were not so innocent.

They finished and Link led Ganondorf to his house. They walked in and the Gerudo King studied his new surroundings. Link's house was fairly big, having two bedrooms, a study, and a small washroom on the second floor. The second floor contained a kitchen, a living room, and a few bookshelves filled with all sorts of historical documents, informational texts, and legendary tales.

Ganondorf liked the bedroom Link slept in. It was pretty casual. The only contents were a bed, a nightstand, and a wardrobe. Several drawings were pinned to the wall above his bed. A few pictures hung on the wall beside his watdrobe.

One of the pictures was of a pretty young Link, perhaps 4 or 5 years old. He was surrounded by a few people, two men and a women. One of the men had the women in one arm by the waist. The couple had their hands on Link's shoulders.

The other man was knelt beside Link, having his arms around the boy.

"That's my mother, father, and uncle. I was five in that picture." Link said suddenly.

"What were their names?" Ganondorf asked.

"My father was named Kaysen. My mother was Jayde. They both died a few years ago during the Calamity. One of the few casualties. My uncle is still alive, though. He lives in Deya Village. His name is Jaylin." Link said to Ganondorf.

"Were you close with any of them?" the king asked.

"I wasn't close with my mother. She was always at the castle as a cook. So I hardly knew her. I was sort of close with Father. He was a royal guard. I was raised mostly by my uncle in my early childhood." Link continued to explain.

Link could tell what Ganondorf was going to ask next. What about Link's teenage years?

"I was taken into the guard when I was 10 because of my unparalleled swordsmanship. I bested my own father at the age of 5. So I was put into the army when I was 10 and trained. Now I am the hero." Link finished calmly. It was true as well. He never really had much of a family to speak of.

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