"Hey Bookie, Come with me."

I got up and she took my hand and led me up to the master suite. She got undressed and I was surprised that she was naked under her skirt suit. She put it in the dry cleaner basket and smiled turning to me. She came over and stood in front of me and spoke lowly.

"Like what you see Bookie?"

I nod.

"You're so pretty." I reply lowly.

"Aww, so sweet of you to say. You're pretty too."

"Come shower with me Bookie, yes?"


Mama helped me take off my clothes and put them in the hamper before leading me to the bathroom and turning on the shower. In the shower, Mama's lips captured mine and she kissed me hard and deep. Her hands on my body was making me shiver, nipples hard, and clit harder. Mama's nails raked my nipples and flicked my piercings making me moan into her mouth. Mama broke our kiss and kissed my neck leaving a hickie before kissing down my chest and licking both my nipples before dropping to her knees and kissing all the way down to pussy and curling her tongue around my clit and the gold barbell that was on both sides of it. Carefully she put my thigh on her shoulder as she licked and suck on my clit and down my slit. Pressure was building in me and released when Mama put her tongue in me and fucked me with it. I screamed and bit my lip feeling bad for making so much noise.

Mama got up and carefully picked me up and wrapped my legs around her waist and started to rub her clit against me. It felt good and Mama whispering in my ear how soft and good I felt, I felt Mama's body shake against mine and she started to pull away but I screamed and she stopped. Looking down she cursed.

"Fuck, your piercing got stuck in mine. Hold on."

I got instantly nervous as Mama fiddled with them and even used a little soap to give it some slip before having to push in on my piercing to get it off. It hurt and I screamed pushing Mama's hands away. We were apart now and Mama put me down. I got out of the tub and ran into my room and closed the door. I went into my bathroom and got my towel and dried off before seeing some blood spots on it. Confused I got my period I went to the bathroom and cleaned up before seeing that my piercing was bleeding since Mama tore the skin a little bit on the one side. Mommy knocked on my door and asked to come in and ignored her. I wanted Daddy. I went in my room and texted Daddy who said she was going to see me in a few hours since she couldn't get away from the court room earlier.

I held Laila my lion and finished drying off before changing into a t-shirt and black panties. The bleeding had stop but it was still really sore. Lying on my bed I heard Mommy and Mama arguing for a moment before they both came to the door and tried to come in. I texted Daddy to tell them to leave me alone and soon they left the door. I was quietly watching TV for a few hours and even got hungry but didn't get up.


Rob's POV:

I couldn't wait to get home and was big pissed that Megan wasn't careful with what I had mentioned to her a few dozen times that I was scared that their piercings would get caught. Bey's piercing was the same, but the ends were too big get caught in that hoop that Megan had through her hood.

Megan and Beyonce were both remorseful about it and it was truly an accident, but Megan was getting a good ass punishment tonight when she came home from would.

I stopped by the store to get Nika some ice cream and went straight home. At home, Bey was wiping down the table and the smell of pot roast hit my nose and it. Bey came over to me and tearfully apologized and said that Nika wouldn't come out of her bedroom and had missed lunch. I kissed her and told her it was okay and that she'd be okay. I gave her the ice cream and went up to Nika's room. I slid the key from under the picture on the wall and unlocked her door before putting it back and going into her room to see her sniffling into her lion.

I closed the door and sat next to her and she sat up and hugged me. She told me what happened and was shaking when I asked her to let me see. She laid back and I carefully took her panties off and saw the injury and winced. I didn't have a pussy and was glad because that cut looked painful. I was concerned about infection immediately and went to get some ointment and a little bit of gauze. There was a small knock on the door and Beyonce came in. I told Nika I needed Mommy to stay so I could put the ointment on. Bey saw the disinfectant and bit her lip knowing she would have to restrain Nika when I put it on. After a scream and lot of tears and a curse word or two Nika cut was covered, and she was in a loose pair of shorts to not bother it. I rubbed her side that side had a bruise on it and kissed it before sitting up. Nika was pressed into Bey's chest and Bey was soothing her. I got up and washed my hands before getting washed up for dinner. I was changed into a t-shirt and jogging pants and hit the blunt before dinner relaxing myself. Down at the table I sat in my chair and Nika came out of the kitchen and sat on my lap burying her face in my shoulder. I rubbed her back as Beyonce put a plate full of food on the table in front of me and she put one down for Nika before grabbing one for herself.

"Eat with me Baby?"

Nika shook her head 'No' and Beyonce and I had dinner before she took our plates and she heated Nika's back up. She gave it to me and I coaxed Nika into letting me feed her and I did, she even had seconds. I knew she was hungry. Sitting on the couch together, Megan soon came in as we were watching a movie with a bag of blowpops. She apologized to Nika and gave them to her and kissed her cheek. Megan went to get some dinner and I went into the kitchen to see Megan crying.

"What's wrong?"

"I hurt my Baby, I didn't mean too Rob. I promise. It was an accident."

"It's okay Megan, she's not mad at you."

Megan hugged me and I relaxed her and gave her a blunt to smoke to relax her directing her to the side patio. I went back to the couch and Beyonce left to sit with Megan. Alone with my Baby, I gave her a big kiss and we started watching a new movie.


excuse all errors!



4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now