"Wonderful huh?" She asked with a smile after, to which her superior couldn't help but giggle as he answered.

"Absolutely right my love. And if I'm right you also enjoyed it."

"Oh Gabriel stop it! You know this meant nothing in reality because we-"

"-we aren't actually together." The designer sighed "Yeah I know." Now he looked at the floor a bit embarrassed, nevertheless he still managed to gather a bit of his courage together and with that he went on to say: "But what if we would be? What if we would have nothing holding us back? Wouldn't that be great?" He asked with a bit of uncertainty clearly caused by Nathalie's skeptical face which couldn't decide if it would've wanted to smile or frown.

It was somewhere in between making her seem almost disgusted, however in reality the assistant simply felt a bit flustered by those words since she had also thought of this many, many times before.
Though from former experience with the man in front of her she knew he wasn't easy, and definitely not good when it came to forgetting about the past, alongside with moving on, so Nathalie knew if she would agree to be with him then she'd be signing up for a whole emotional rollercoaster.

But even then she couldn't help her feelings which basically forced her to smile in an instant and make her nod uncontrollably.

"Sir I-...fuck I love you. Of course I would want to be with you, I-I j-just c-can't. I don't want to torture myself with loving someone who still hasn't moved on-"

"But what if I had? What if I promise to marry you? You know what, Nathalie will you marry me right here right now, I'll organize the wedding ceremony to happen in a week or so, but now answer me with a yes or no. Will you be my wife?"

As Gabriel had uttered that sentence he got down on one knee, and though he didn't have a ring he took off his old one and threw it on the ground making his assistant gasp in unbelief.


"Sir?" He frowned

"G-Gabriel I-" Nathalie couldn't find the right words "...I-..." she looked all around the room searching for an answer which obviously wouldn't be there, despite that she still did it because she had no idea how to reject the love of her life. It almost felt wrong to shake her head 'no', but the dark haired woman couldn't do otherwise.
"I c-can't commit-...I'm so sorry Gabriel, though I truly love you, and I always have I-I am just not fit for loving you until the very end. In fact I'm not fit for loving anyone, I always ruin them instead! I'm simply that heartless no one I was meant to be from the day I was born, and nothing can change me now. Not even your sweet love you're willing to offer, I apologize."

"I-...w-well that's alright." The designer mumbled as he watched his employee turn around and with a final depressed sigh she stepped away to walk out, but before she could've done so Gabriel spoke again and that held her back almost like an invisible barrier which she could never overthrow.

"Nathalie you're not heartless though." He began with a quiet voice "In fact I think you're the one who taught me how to love again and how to move on. You made me see that there's much more than just one chance at love, there's many, you simply have to find your soulmate, and although I have no idea who that might be I'm glad I could meet someone like you, who almost felt like my soulmate."

"Sir I-"

"Sir again? It's alright, don't worry I don't blame you. I love hearing your voice either way."

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