King visit once a month for the doctor appointments, he participated in my maternity shoot, and he calls every morning and every night but he's never around. I think because I know he can be around more makes me even more depressed. My disorder has gotten so bad that I have a regular nurse and I get administered IV fluids at home regularly. The kids birthdays have come and gone and it kills me knowing I didn't have the energy to give them what they deserve.

It was early morning and the kids were already off to school so it was just Brayden, Chet and I. I heard a ring on my phone and like clock work I knew exactly who it was, King.

"Hello." I said putting the phone on speaker to place it on my belly. I knew how important it was for the baby to hear Kings voice so every time we spoke I always put the phone where the baby could hear.

"Goodmorning, how's everything going?" He asked.

"Fine." I said keeping it short. I woke up aggravated and didn't feel like talking to him right now.

"The kids off to school? You wake up feeling sick?" He asked me.


"Did you keep anything down after we spoke last night?"


"What's good with you why you giving me short ass responses?" He asked.

"Because you do this every morning yet your never around, you care so much, yet I'm going through all of this by myself,  you said I wouldn't do this alone and yet here I am." I said as I began sobbing.

"Calm down India your stressing your body and the baby." He said with a sigh. And hearing that just made the tears even more uncontrollable. "I'm gonna send Man over there to check on you, I'm out of town right now and if I could come I would." That immediately stopped my tears and made my aggravation level sky rocket.

"Don't bother King." I said before hanging up. What's the point of sending someone else here when you're  the father to this baby, it just doesn't make sense.

I walked out the room going into Brayden's room to get him up for breakfast. He was already up looking around as I reached in and put him on my hip. I walked downstairs and put him in his high chair before giving him his breakfast. He played around with it and ate a few bites before splashing banana all over the kitchen. Once he was done I did a little cleaning, fed Brayden and put him down for a nap and before I knew it, it was noontime.

" Hey India." Chet said walking in the kitchen.

"Hey Chet, how you doing?" I asked.

" Good, what you up to, you know you ain't supposed to be up and about like this." He said with concern all on his face.

"Well it drives me crazy being in that bed all day, in this house all day, I barely talk to anyone, it's really starting to take a toll on me mentally." I told him as tears fell from my eyes for the second time today. He walked closer to me bringing me in a hug. "I feel like this baby is just gonna be another statistic with a absentee as a father."

"Listen India I'll be the father to this baby okay, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." I don't know why but that statement made me a little uncomfortable. I don't mind him saying he'll be a male figure but saying "father" is just a little to much for me. He pulled me into a hug and before I knew it he was kissing me. I was frozen in shock because that's the last thing I expected for him to say or do. I always saw Chet as a brother and I assumed he saw me as his little sister. I pulled back far to late for my liking because I didn't want him to think I saw him that way, and the next thing I knew Man was in the kitchen. I stepped further away from Chet as if he were poisonous.

"Hey wassup, what y'all up to?" He asked. I was searching his face to gage wether he saw that or not and seeing from his tone, he seemed normal.

"Nothing." I said nervously.

"You good India you look like you saw a ghost or something?" Man asked.

"Yea Im all good." I said nodding my head "I was just cleaning up around the house, you want a water or something?" I asked walking across the Kitchen counter.

"Nah Im good, King sent me over here to check on you, he said you had a rough morning, just wanted to check and see if you and baby King were okay." He said.

"Nah I'm all good, just been having a few episodes, I think the end of this pregnancy is starting to get to me." I said with a laugh.

"Alright we'll I just wanted to check for myself, make sure everything all good, I'm gonna head out I have some shit I have to check up on I'll see y'all later, India don't hesitate to call me if y'all need anything aight." I nodded my head yes.

"Yea of course, let me walk you out." I started walking him to the front door with Chet right behind me. I hugged him goodbye before I watched him drive away. As I closed the door I felt arms around my waist and I quickly pushed them away. "We can't Chet. You can't do that again." Is all I said because I began to feel dizzy and nauseated. I walked away from him so I could lay down until the feeling subsided.

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