Chapter 29. Then Face to Face

Start from the beginning

Eric was obviously enraged. He was blinded by fury at seeing Luke, but not for Tanya he would have pounded Luke's head against the concrete wall, without any thought to the consequences. Luke on the other hand was as cool as a cucumber, smiling as if the whole thing was funny and not seem to be phased by Eric's fury.

"No more limping I see, got that leg fixed?" Eric asked.

Luke was caught off guard by that comment but quickly regained his composure. "Yea some punk beat the crap out of me, damaged my legs but thanks to revolutionary medicine I got them fixed."

"You should be careful who you piss off," Eric warned.

"Man I hardly recognize you, got tired of the dread locs?" Luke asked with that lopsided smile that was the exact replica of Eric's smile.

'How weird is this? How is it possible for two cousins to look so alike?' Tanya wondered still can't believe that they were standing there in front of her.  'Am I dreaming'

Eric looked at Luke with stone cold eyes. "Yes I got rid of the locs; it was getting in the way; that is how I usually deal with anything that gets in my way."

Luke smiled; he was no fool, he knew that was a threat and so did Tanya.

Emily looked from Eric to Luke. She had a puzzled look on her face. It was as if something just connected in her brain. Her mouth dropped opened.  "Am I seeing double or do you two look exactly alike?" she asked.

Tanya shook her head no to the woman to warn her to stop, but it was either she did not understand or she misinterpreted the signal that Tanya was trying so desperately to send her.

"I know I am not seeing double. Is this your brother Lucas? You never .....

"Will you shut up already? And stop calling me Lucas." Luke said. He too was getting annoyed with talkative Emily.

"But I," she continued to look from Eric to Luke.

For the first time Tanya was seeing the two men close up and in person and their physical appearance was really jaw dropping. The two men were about the same height, dressed similarly in dark suits. Eric's hair had grown back a lot over the past few weeks and was so unruly, yet he refused to cut it. Tanya pulled his hair back and into a man bun to make him presentable for the occasion. And Luke was wearing his shoulder length hair pulled back as well they both looked so hansom and could easily pass for brothers if not twins.  Someone should have told  Dr. Emily not to mention the obvious. 

Their resemblance was uncanny.  The only difference Tanya could see was in the complexion. Luke was a little lighter than Eric, most likely from Eric living in the tropics.  Tanya tried to use her eyes and facial expression to warn the young woman to stop while she was ahead, but she just went on and on about how much the two men looked alike. 

Eric finally turned to the woman. It was as if he had just noticed her presence. "And who the fuck might you be?" Eric asked.

"I am Lucas's fiancé, my name is Emily and I am a doctor." She said.

"Lucas's fiancé? My condolences," Eric said. 

Emily looked very puzzled.  "Condolences? Who died? This is a wedding right, not a funeral?"

Could it be that hatred and love is different sides of the same coin? One could clearly see the hate he felt for Luke in the way he looked at him yet in the next instance one could also see the love he had for his wife, Tanya. Eric gave Luke a death stare ...then he looked down tenderly at his wife. "Talk to me babe, what are you feeling? Pain?" he asked.

Consequences ( Book 3 in the Hijacked Of Innocence Series)Where stories live. Discover now