Part 1.

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It takes me a minute to find her through the massive crowd in the cafeteria but when I do I can't stop myself from taking all of her in. She's laughing with her friends over on the other side of the benches. I lick my lips thinking about hers. I must look like a creep to everyone who's staring at me stare at her.  I don't care I keep looking.

Morgan Saytreese, My best friend and the only girl I am completely in love with. I prop myself up on the table and stare down at my phone and take glances here and there from my phone to her. I can hear her laugh and it sends chills down to my man area. I sit up straight and arch my neck. I rub my hands on my jeans and wait for her to do anything.

"dude" I hear but I'm still staring, still feeling every good emotion towards her that I possibly can.

"Hello, dude" My mouth twitches because I can't think straight seeing her, and Tj, my best friend is now standing in front of me.

"Just go talk to her," he says holding two slushies in his hands, handing one to me. I stop staring and let out a huge sigh, not realizing I was holding my breath the entire time. "fuuuck" I say running my hands through my hair. "she just drives me insane" I tell him. Tj slurps his slushie, placing a hand on my shoulder

"man I get it ok, you have been in love and in lust with her for years but this can't keep going on you're starting to creep me out the way you stare at her. I almost feel bad for her" he jokes taking another sip of his drink.

I start to drink my slushie while Tj continues to talk "Look, man, we've got one more game before summer vacation, and then we're all heading down to the lake house for my start of the summer party. Get super drunk so that it'll be easier to tell her how you feel"

"Tj that is the worst advice you could possibly give someone" Shareese pipes in.

"It worked for me" Tj protested throwing his hands up in defense

"yet you're still single" Shareese jokes "Hey I'm just trynna help. I don't see yall coming up with any ideas to help this man" Tj states.

I bite down on the tip of my straw, still staring over at her when the bell rings and everyone starts moving, making it hard for me to see her.

"Fuck" I say again

I twiddle with my cup for a second, my heartstrings pulling at the thought of her.

"I have a class with her next period, she says she might not go to the pool party at the lake house because Jared will be there. I could convince her for you" Shareese says smiling

"Fucking Jared" I murmur "Thanks shareese" She smiles and walks in the opposite direction

I pull at my hair again because not only is fucking Jared standing in my way of getting to morgan, Morgan is 15 soon to be 16 and I'm 18 and her dad is going to want to bury me 6 feet under once he knows how much I want his daughter.

Throwing my head back in frustration, I run my fingers through my hair once again and make my way to class.

Until Always(ON HOLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon