He looks from his computer to Jeonjin and Lee know. Jeonjin looks angry and Lee know looks unpleased. "Progress?" He asks. He pushes away from his computer looking at the two boys.

"She hasn't said a word...she's been getting a lot of punishment but it seems like she's used to this. She doesn't flinch or wince when cutting or burning her..she will just keep a dead panned face like she is not at all fazed" Lee know says "she hasn't said a word!? She hasn't shut up that mouth I want to kill her" Jeonjin says clearly bothered by the thought of her.

"When can we please kill her." Jeonjin then asks Chan impatiently. "Well...." He stretches out his word. "We aren't killing her." Chan says both of their jaws dropping "WHAT!?" They both yell.

"She will stay here for three months...we will get any information out of her as possible by getting close to her..." Chan says.

"That's fucking bull." Jeonjin says. "She has a bounty on her head." Hyunjin says coming into Chan's office with Felix.

"How much?" Chan asks looking at Hyunjin intrigued.

"Seven hundred million."

"So we have decisions to be made." Chan tells the three of them. "When everyone gets home we will have a meeting discussing what to do with y/n." Chan says.

Felix, Hyunjin, Lee know agree nodding there heads Jeonjin nodding his head to but adding an eye roll.


It's been two days since Y/n's been captive the only person she's seen is Lee know y/n hasn't eaten in the time she's been there.

The door opens light pouring in to the cell. It's Lee know. "I'm really getting sick of looking at your face." She tells him watching him as he pulls out some things from a bag.

He doesn't say anything to her nor looking at her. Shes still bound to the chair her a wrist facing up and ankles still bounds pulls out a syringe with a clear liquid inside of it. He takes the cap off making a popping sound.

"What the fuck is that?" She asks a little nervous now. He grabs an alcohol swab rubbing her arm. "What the fuck is that I said! What the hell are you about to put in my body!?" She shouts at him.

He sticks the needle through her skin sending her a light pinch. She turns her head looking at Lee know and her arm. "I swear to god I will kill you I will fucking end you if this shit is going to kill me I swear to god I'm haunting your ass I will come up from the grave-" she rambles loud and fast until her eyes close and head falls hanging down her hair covering her face.

"Okay" Lee know says. Changbin walks in the cell "she's out right?" Changbin asks poking her head. "Yes...she's out no need to poke her." Lee know says. "Just bring her upstairs to her to the medic room" Lee know tells Changbin.

Changbin unties her from her restraints carrying her limp body bridal style. Up out of the cell into the big beautiful mansion. Lee know follows behind changbin as he brings her to his clinic.

"Just set her on that table." Lee know tell him to which he does. "Alright I gotta go out with chan but we will be back later and the others will be home around nine." He says going out of Lee knows office.

"Okay..I will just be working on her." Lee know sighs looking at the girl laying on an operating table.


Y/n POV:

I wake up in a room but not the same one I was in as before this one...it's nice?

My head is ponding and my ears are lightly ringing. "What did that bitch give me?" I mumble rubbing my temples.  The bed I'm in is soft you can sink into it like a cloud. The lighting is absolutely beautiful and the hardwood floor are gorgeous this room is...very nice.

I walk into the closet it being a walk in and tons of cloths my size already In there all being designer

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I walk into the closet it being a walk in and tons of cloths my size already In there all being designer. "The fuck...." I say questionably I feel so confused for the first time ever I have no idea what's going on. I walk out back to the room looking out the huge window. It's pitch black outside.

I go to the door setting my hand on the job before turning it. I open the door surprised it isn't locked.

"Follow me." Someone says which I'm guessing is a guard. I follow to where he goes the mansion being big and so beautiful way more my style. More white and marble than dark brown and black.

He takes me down a flight of stairs to the second floor. He knocks on a door opening it. I see the leader sitting in his chair at a desk. "Y/n please take a seat." He instructs. Hesitantly I go over sitting in the chair on the left across from his desk.

I sit there crossing my legs folding my arms and arching an eyebrow waiting for an explanation.

"We decided to keep you." He says with a small smile.

"Keep me? Keep me? Do I look like a fucking dog to you?!" I start raising my voice letting out an annoyed laugh.

"Since you don't want to spill any information...you will work with us be apart of SKZ" He says.

I start laughing "you really think I'm going to stay here?" I ask "you have a seven hundred million bounty on your head. It's either you stay here. Or you go to Seventeen."

His words automatically make my face go straight. Are you fucking kidding me..

"Fine." I tell him. A small smile forms on his face. "Good...now lets get down to some rules. You will participate in missions once you earn our trust. You are free to go around the house or property as you'd like. You aren't aloud to leave the house without a member and five guards. You will eat your meals with everyone at the same time unless it's breakfast. Keep your cursing to a minimum. Any questions?" He asks.

"And if I leave?" I ask

"We had Lee know implant a poison that will go off through your  blood stream killing you in the most painful way. That's if you try to kill or make any dangerous move on anyone apart of our team the members, guards, chefs, and maids. And if you leave with out permission we have sensors  inside of you that will immediately put you to sleep for up to eight hours." He explains.

"My name is Christopher but the guys and everyone else address me as Chan feel free to which ever. Tomorrow you will meet all the members but as of now you should get some rest." He tells me. I get up about to walk out of his office "y/n" he calls stopping me I don't look behind me I just stand looking forward at the door.

"You can't get it out without killing yourself so don't have any ideas" he says. I walk out of the office slamming the door as hard as I possibly can. I'm fucking fuming.

The same guard from earlier escorts me back to my room. I close the door turning on tv for back ground noise as I think of how to get home. Somewhere in my thoughts I start drifting back to sleep my eyes getting heavy so heavy I can barely keep them open.


Thank you so much for continuing to read my work! I hope I'm not disappointing you. It's difficult because I've never written a character like y/n😂 she is a bad bitch though. But I hope you like this chapter give me your predictions!! What do you think is going to happen when y/n OFFICIALLY meets SKZ????????????!!!!!🫣

Again thank you so much and I love you all!♥️

Also was it too short?? Or no?? Including my A/n it's 2049 words......so like...let me know if they are too short👑


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