chapter 06.

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⸻ [ 章 06 ] 。
hello, angel. ❜


Maybe it was strange or rather scary, but I felt being watched. Not important what I did.

"Ugh.. can you stop?!" I muttered under my breath, hoping that the man could hear me, and I would stop experiencing this feeling.

However, nothing like that happened.

I didn't even hear the whispers in my room. Instead, there was sheer emptiness. Have I made it all up? Nothing like this happened?

In a way I felt relieved. After all, the man could read my mind, so he knew that I didn't want him anymore, and that I would reject him. But why was it bad for me? Why I felt like this?

All the way to school, all the classes at school, and all the breaks, I felt someone's eyesight on myself. But I couldn't catch its owner. I was distracted, and somehow strangely absent, so today Jaemi didn't talk me very often. She just assumed, that I had one of my bad days.

Finally, classes were over, and I sighed, heading to the store to buy myself something to drink. It was extremely hot today. Definietly too hot. I fanned myself a little to cool off my hot, and sweaty body.

I grabbed the water from fridge, and paid for it. I left the store, and continued my way to home. But I felt that gaze on me again. And this time, steps have joined it.

I turned around, holding the bottle in front of me as if it could protect me from the attacker, but there was no one there. I brushed my hair with my fingers, an let a sigh of relief. I closed my eyes, and shook my head to get this strange feeling out of my head.

However, when I turned to go back, a black-clothed figure appeared in front of me. Frightened, I jumped away from the man, and looked at him uncertainly. He looked quite scary, but at the same time very charmingly. He was bloody handsome, and his gaze was like nothing else in this world. He was not too tall, but still taller from me.

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