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⸻ [ 序幕 prologue ] 。
seven brothers. ❜


The History about Seven Brothers.

Around several hundred years ago, when Earth was still young, and everything was only starting to grow, Seven Brothers came into the world.

Every one was perfect, and unique in a different way.

Their beauty was divine, and impossible for a common human.

They were good angels, with a kind heart, who looked after people, and cared about them.

They helped them in difficult times, and always tried to make them happy. They provided with advice, and listened patiently when their favourites had a hard time.

They helped people to go through the life, and at the end, hand them over to the Angel of Death.

People, who met them on their way, said their last 'goodbye' with a broad smile, and gratitude. They were grateful for having someone like them.

Seven Brothers never aged, and their face was always as beautiful, and attractive as ever.

God loved them with his whole heart. His children were good, and he trusted them.

But one time, the darkness overwhelmed them.

It showed them how good can be a human life. Temptations, that they had to deny for their whole existence. Their mind and body took possession of the darkness.

Each of them became ruthless, and heartless.

And the Brothers went over to the devil's side, and lived as they wanted.

With their divine power, they could easily wrap people around their finger. They threw people into worse and worse situations, but humans still obeyed them blindly.

Finally, when the Angel of Death came, he could take them to Hell. People shouted at the end of their way, begging for mercy, as they looked into the joyful eyes of the Brothers.

They never saved them.

They just looked directly in their eyes, with a playful smirk on their lips. The power they felt that time was unimaginable.

But God could not allow this to happen. His perfect sons, allowed themselves to be deceived temptation, and darkness.

He had to save the humanity from the shameful, and bitter fate that awaited them.
And so, during the day, the untamed people lived their peaceful life.

But when the sun went down, the reign of evil began. And they came out from shadow, clothed in the darkness.

They took everyone, that encountered on their way.



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