After yelling this, (Y/N) charged to Cyrus at impossible speeds. Before Cyrus could react, the grandmaster had struck him in the chest with a Force Judgement fueled palm strike. As the electric energy coursed through him, his vision began to fade.

Cyrus' Vision

He eventually blacked out completely and was thrusted into a strange realm. It appeared to be an ancient ruin surrounded on all sides by a dense forest. The sky was cloudless and was a brilliant blue. Despite the midday light, there was no sun in the sky. As he turned in various directions to get his bearings, he eventually locked eyes with a figure standing some ways away. Cyrus began to walk closer to the person, and as he did, he got a better look at the figure's appearance. The man appeared to be around his age, maybe just a few years older. He had blonde hair like Cyrus' but in a different style. Surprisingly, the man had the symbol of the Eyes of Famine in his eyes. What unnerved Cyrus the most, however, was the fact that the man had yet to break eye contact with him.

Cyrus: Wh- Who are you? Where are we?

The man gave an amused smirk.

Man: You don't know? Jeez, how stupid are you?

Cyrus: Hey, I-

Man: Well, since you're so clueless, let me fill in the blanks for you.

The man cleared his throat.

Man: Where we are is a manifestation of your mental state mixed with the collective consciousness of the Eyes of Famine. In other words, we're inside your head.

Cyrus: Okay... but... how?

The man's expression changed to slight annoyance.

Man: Do I really need to fill in everything for you? Alright, here we go. We're here to test your worth!

Cyrus: My worth?

Man: Yes. We're here to see how worthy you are to wield the Eyes of Famine.

Then it clicked in Cyrus' head.

Cyrus: So wait, is this how I unlock my powers?

Man: Well for most people it is, but not for you.

Cyrus got confused and cocked his head to the side.

Cyrus: What? Why n-

He was cut off by the man suddenly appearing right in front of him and punching him in the face.


Cyrus staggered, but did not go down.

Man: Do you really think that you even hold a candle to the previous wielders? You're a child who's been bogged down by the expectations of your superiors! I was a god among men! WE COULDN'T BE ANY LESS ALIKE!

Cyrus: Shut up...

Man: When I was the wielder, I set everything into motion! The rise of the Jedi was my doing!

Cyrus: You don't know what you're talking about.

Man: Don't I? Well, let me tell you something! Mercury Black was supposed to fight Yang Xiao Long that day at the Vytal Festival! I changed that! I AM THE CAUSE OF IT ALL!

Cyrus: You're insane is what you are!

Man: Do you want to know the biggest difference between the two of us, kid? The one thing that sets us apart above all other things? A PURPOSE! WHAT KIND OF PURPOSE DO YOU HAVE? NOTHING! YOU AREN'T WORTHY OF YOUR POWER! THAT'S WHY I TOOK IT FOR MYSELF AT THE TEMPLE! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY YOU DO THE THINGS YOU DO, AND THAT MAKES YOU WE-

The man was cut off by Cyrus punching him in the face. The man was caught off guard by this sudden action and looked at Cyrus with an expression of shock. Cyrus, on the other hand, was absolutely fuming.

Cyrus: You don't know the first thing about me! You say I have no purpose, I say you're wrong. I have more purpose than you could even fathom!

Man: Is that so? Then wha-

Cyrus: But you are right about one thing... we aren't the same...

Cyrus clenched his fists, and blue energy began to radiate around them.

Cyrus: I'M BETTER!

Suddenly, the blue energy began to swirl around Cyrus' entire body as his power grew stronger. Cyrus' eyes at that moment changed to the Eyes of Famine. The man chuckled as he saw this.

Man under breath: That boy might just be alright...

Vision Ends

Cyrus was once again in the real world. He was fully lucid and completely in control of his thoughts and actions. He immediately noticed that the blue energy continued to swirl around him. After gaining his senses, the first thing he noticed was Grandmaster (L/N) standing opposite to him, gripping his amulet tightly.

(Y/N): Cyrus?

Cyrus: G- Grandmaster (L/N).

(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief and took his hand off the amulet.

(Y/N): He did it. This is the first step, but we still have a lot more work to do.

Cyrus: So... what now?

(Y/N) smirked and ignited his lightsaber.

(Y/N): How about we test out those new powers of yours?

Cyrus smiled and got into a fighting stance.

Cyrus: Absolutely!

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