Chapter 25: The Unsung Hero

Start from the beginning

Aizawa exits the room and begins talking with VulGar, he describes the relationship he had with his former student and how he should have been there to help him when he needed it most, VulGar assured him that what happened to Katsuki was in no way his fault, and that Katsuki spoke highly of his favorite teacher. As Aizawa's mood was beginning to lighten, the two were approached by the worried faces of class 3A as well as Deags. The big three were bombarding them with questions about Katsuki's condition while the rest were still trying to figure out what happened.

Aizawa: All of you quiet down, I'm going to make this brief, Midoriya, Yaoyarozu, Jiro, you three remain here, the rest of you back to your dorms immediately
Izuku: Sir we-
Aizawa: *puts his hand up and eyes glow red* I said immediately!

The rest of class 3A left in confusion but they were so intimidated by Aizawa's tone that they left without question, leaving the big three outside the room.

VulGar: I'll give you some space, I understand this part won't be easy
Aizawa: Thank you
VulGar: *Nods before walking away* Come on Deags, let's get you back to your usual self *puts Deags' arm over his shoulder and helps him walk*

With the vigilantes now gone, the big 3 can now speak with Aizawa in private

Jiro: I-is he ok?
Izuku: We couldn't get a good look at him from far away, but the way VulGar rushed him back, suggested it was serious
Momo: Was he badly injured?
Aizawa: ..... He's..... I'm afraid young Bakugo didn't make it...
Jiro: That can't be true, he has to be alright,  HE HAS TO! *begins sobbing*
Aizawa: I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you, I wish it wasn't true, but the harsh reality is that he.... He is no longer with us....
Jiro: *falls to her knees* You promised me Katsuki! You promised!! *weeping*

Izuku and Momo both fell to their knees and cried while embracing each other and Jiro as they are now experiencing the sad reality that their bad tempered, hard headed, loud, explosion making Brother/friend/lover, was gone. Aizawa stood and watched them mourn while shedding tears of his own for the fallen hero. He locked the room and was about to make his exit, but not before leaving the big three with some words of advice.

Aizawa: His condition makes him nearly unrecognizable,  I would highly recommend you three not see him this way, let your final memories of him remain untainted by the brutal fate he endured, the Katsuki Bakugo you all knew and loved, that's how you should remember him, every smile, every smirk, every laugh, those should be the images you see when your thinking of him.... I'm going to speak with Nezu about having a ceremony in his honor, it's the least we can do for him.

Deags and VulGar slowly made their way back to the guest house to finally relax and process the day they had. The walk was mostly silent as neither had the energy to formulate a single syllable. Even though no words were spoken, by some weird Hive Mind voodoo shit, they both knew that their next moves must be discussed and they don't have much time. At last the two vigilantes made it back to their guest house and took off their battle worn gear....

Deags: Damn... Queen really did an amazing job with this gear bro.
VulGar: Yeah no kidding, but I can't imagine what it's going to cost us though. This gear doesn't look cheap and we damn near destroyed it.
Deags: Oh no need to worry about that I got it covered.
VulGar: *suspicious face* What do you mean? Deags, what did you do?
Deags: Nothing bro chill.. It's just when I asked Queen how much we owed her she just said something about dinner so I told her she could eat the food in our fridge.... Seemed a little odd though that she'd want food for all this expensive gear...
VulGar: Deags.....
Deags: Yeah?
VulGar: You're a fucking idiot *facepalm*
Deags: whatever.... Anyways, let's call up Queen and give her an update...

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