Chapter 2: Aspirations

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As time went on for the young pair the winds of change began to stir. Now in middle school, young Bakugo with the help of young Midoriya and his note taking skills, has a better grasp of his quirk. While not quite hero level maneuvers have been invented or executed by the would be hero, he has master basic attacks and even a form of propulsion using his quirk. Unfortunately the same could not be said for his little buddy Deku (or so he thought) Both boys about 13 and a half have started looking to the future, for which high school they wish to attend, although that wasnt a hard choice for either. (For obvious plot reasons) The duo had always dreamed about going to UA high,One of the most world renowned and prestigious Hero schools in all of Japan. But before their dream of attending said Hero Academia could come into fruition, they would have to take the entrance exam. They still had 4 months of middle school left as well as the 2 month summer vacation to prepare for said exam. Doesn't really seem like a long time but what happened in those 6 months, well, it was a rollercoaster of events to say the least.

Spring break was coming and the would be hero best friends were having a discussion about their plans while having lunch at their favorite table.

Deku: Hey Kachaan, have anything planned for spring break?
Kachaan: To be honest Deku, I don't think I have anything planned, aside from mom's brutal workouts. She says it's to help build my stamina and produce sweat easier, but I feel like she puts me through that shit to assert her dominance over me or some shit like that, since my quirk can easily overpower her... or worse...*turns to hide a sad look*
Deku: Oh... well if you want, you are always welcome at my house for tv or video games or ev...*gets cut off*
Kachaan: Or I have a better idea, why don't we train together that way i don't have to hear moms constant bitching about my performance and also you can make progress with preparing your body for when a quirk decides to finally say "I AM HERE".
Deku: *almost pouting* If it ever DOES decide to show up... like my dad.

As the boys go back and forth about how they can spend their spring break, a group of girls approach the lunch table where the two are sitting. Young Bakugo (the real charmer he is) gave his best smoldering smirk causing one of the girls to turn away in an attempt to hide the drop of blood exiting her nostril, while Midoriya (the adorable nerd that he is) hides in his hero analysis notebook. Noticing this Bakugo swipes the notebook from Midoriya's hands exposing the face that had the same shade of vermilion as Bakugo's eyes. Just then one of the girls walks up to Bakugo, blushing up a storm.

Ty Lee: um hi Bakugo... why are you sitting here all alone?
Bakugo: Who says I'm alone? Can you not see my buddy Deku right here?
*she sees deku hiding in his hoodie*
Ty Lee: Oh I-I'm Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, I guess I was just focused on you (she said in a flirting manner)
Bakugo: Well it's rude to ignore people, especially my best friend, so get lost extra
Ty Lee: But I-
Before her response could be finished,  the bell rang signaling that lunch time was over and it was time to return to class. All the teens arrive back in class and take their seats as the teacher states that she has an important announcement.

Teacher: Settle down everyone, it's time to talk about your plans for... Highschool.
Everyone cheers excited that middle school is almost over and now is the time to choose where they will go. Everyone is shouting the schools they want to apply for while Katsuki  and Izuku converse about UA, when suddenly the principal walks in and in a heartbeat the whole class clammed up, hell, even the teacher sat at her desk quietly before realizing that she was the teacher and stood up greeting the principal.
Principal Claw: Hello students, I would like to make a special announcement. It has come to my attention that Not one but two of your own class mates have chosen to apply for UA.
The Class: *loud gasp* *murmurs*
Claw: The first of these students applying is none other than our own Katsuki Bakugo...

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