Chapter 14: A New Beginning???

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A New Beginning???

A blinding white light was all Katsuki could see before his eyes came into focus, the air was warm but the breeze was cool, he heard an annoying sound that wasn't familiar but he soon recognized it, it was the sound of seagulls, followed by crashing waves. The smell of ocean water flooded his nostrils and it was then that he realized what had happened, he had arrived at his new destination, where it was? He had no idea. He realized he wasn't going to find out where he was by laying in the ship all day, so he decided to get up, gather his things and disembark. As Katsuki was walking around the port, he was searching for some sign that could tell him where he was. The closest he came was seeing something that read "Port of Lo-" he couldn't read the rest because it was covered by shipping containers. Katsuki decided that he could get a more direct answer by asking someone who works there, so he approached a random Filipino worker and asked.

Katsuki: Hey you!
Glenn: Me?
Katsuki: Yeah you, where am I?
Glenn: You're in Long Beach bro
Katsuki: Long Beach? Where the hell is that?
Glenn: Here in Calipornia bro
Katsuki: Cali-what?
Glenn: You know Calipornia, in the United States bro
Katsuki: UNITED STATES!?!?!?
Glenn: Yeah bro, I have to get back to work, see you later

As the Filipino man walked away, leaving Katsuki to process where he was, he could hear the voice of the man in the distance, as he walked by one of his coworkers, he exclaimed "Les go home!" Which Katsuki found odd but paid no attention to, he was busy trying to wrap his head around the fact that he is now in the United States of America. Katsuki decided it was best to walk to a more public area to get a better understanding of his situation, if that's what you wanna call it. After walking blindly from a place that was known as "Terminal Island'' he found himself in a more flashy, crowded, shopping area with a bridge that was illuminated with a sign that read "The Pike''. He continued his walk through the Pike and was amazed at the area, it had a movie theater with a bar and recliners, or so it was advertised. There were  stores which for some odd reason they called "Outlets'". Katsuki had been walking around for so long that he was reminded of human necessities when his stomach started to rumble and growl. So like a man on a mission he made his way to a little pop-up Vendor's stand that appeared to be grilled hot dogs wrapped in bacon, the smell of the smokey bacon only made his hunger grow stronger, he approached the woman who appeared to be the shop keep.

Katsuki: Hey, can I get some something to eat
Vendor lady: *sassy* You got the money for it honey?
Katsuki: *pulls out yen* Is this enough?
Vendor lady: *shocked* Uh uh sweetie we don't take that type of money here.
Katsuki: Tch, so what am I supposed to do then lady? I ain't from here!
Sales lady: Hey, hey, calm down sweetie, you see that building over there? That's the currency exchange, they can exchange what you have for  US dollars. Once you get it, you can come back and I'll hook you up with something hot to eat.
Katsuki: uh, alright, thanks...

Katsuki made his way to the aforementioned building and walked in. When he got to the counter a man spoke up and asked what he needed. Katsuki pulls out 11,500 yen and asks the worker how much American currency he can exchange it for. The man behind the counter takes his yen and tells Katsuki that his money is equal to about $101.14 in US dollars. (Yes I actually googled this) This shocked Katsuki as it didn't seem like much and he didn't know how long he would be in this country. Regardless he took the money and exited the building. He began looking around for that pop up shop from before but it was nowhere to be seen, so he decided to find some other place to eat, then he spotted a brightly colored and eye-catching establishment.

Katsuki: Hmmm what the hell is a Hooters? Hope they have food.
?????: *Bumps into him* What's a Hooters? only the best restaurant ever... foods not that good but you don't go for the food you go for the view.

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