Chapter 8: Burnin Love

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Burnin love

Kaminari: USJ? Universal Studios Japan!!!!!
Katsuki: No you fucking dunce face
Iida: Bakugo! There is no need for such language, we are still in school!
Katsuki: Shut your yap four eyes or I'll cram that stick up your ass higher until it reaches your throat.
Iida: How dare- the nerve!
Izuku: The Unforseen Simulation Joint, I've heard of it before.
Aizawa: *thinking* I like these two.
Yes, what Midoriya said, You will be performing training exercises that are to be considered REAL, do not hold back, do not make any mistakes, and most importantly, DON'T DIE, so get changed into your hero costumes and get to the front of the school, you have 30 minutes.

The students all ran inside to retrieve the cases with their hero costumes inside them, got changed and met with Mr. Aizawa up in front of the school where the bus was also waiting for them. On the bus everyone was chatting it up. Bakugo and Jiro were next to each other and Izuku and Momo sat next to each other when a cute frog like classmate of theirs, Tsuyu Asui, decided to speak up.

Asui: So Midoriya I normally speak my mind and I gotta ask... why do you think your quirk manifested in the form of Napalm? Normally quirks reflect your personality, you don't seem very dangerous at all.
Izuku: Well actually-
Katsuki: I can answer that, You see Deku at first glance is just like the weird gel he secretes, relatively harmless, but once you piss him off, well that's just the spark he needs to ignite and all hell breaks loose.
Asui: Wow that's..... actually a great answer, I'm sorry for asking you something so personal Midoriya
Izuku: Don't worry, it's fine, I'm actually really impressed at the fact that Kachaan had such a great answer, I had nothing

Just as they wrapped up that conversation Mr. Aizawa had announced that they arrived at the USJ. All the students of class 1-a unloaded from the bus and were met with class 1-B as well

Uraraka: OH MY GOD ITS 13
Izuku: The rescue hero
Momo: Well it's only right that 13 teach this class.

All the students were geeking out over the pro hero 13 as she was explaining how the entire facility operates, she explained the various catastrophes in detail to give them a feel for it, in the middle of her explanation, the students took to notice of the big purple hole beginning to form in the center of the building, it appeared to be some sort of portal, their guess was correct, it was indeed a portal, people started stepping through it in pairs and trios, it was actually a pretty large group.

Kirishima: Woah we even have fake villains???
Momo: Wow they must take this stuff very seriously
Jiro: Something doesn't feel right, why would they include villains in natural disaster training?
Kirishima: Don't know, but it should be awesome, getting to take on villains and save people is what we heroes do
13: Wait, fake villains?
Aizawa: This wasn't part of it was it?
13: No, looks like it's the real deal

The teachers turned around to see an army of low class villains step out of the portal and in the center of it all was a dry skinned pale man with what looked like hands attached to his body, he was a known villain by the name of Tomura Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: Hello Class 1A students of UA, you're probably wondering who we are and why we're here.Well it's simple, we are the league of Villains and we are here to kill the number 1 hero ALL MIGHT..... who isn't here. What the fuck kurogiri you said he'd be here!!!
Bakugo: HEY HANDJOB!! All Might isn't here but you've got the future #1 hero right here!
Shigaraki: Handjob!? why you little brat... Kurogiri, take those kids and make sure they don't escape, perhaps if we kill some of them The number 1 hero might show his face.
The portal villain appeared behind the students as Aizawa instructed Iida to run back to UA to get help. He then jumped down to face off against the villains. The portal villain teleported all the students to random parts of the USJ where other villains were waiting to attack. In one group was Katsuki, Kirishima, and Momo, another group was Izuku, Jiro, Uraraka and Denki. The other students were randomly grouped together in the same fashion (and for obvious reasons, we're sticking with our protagonists)
Back with Katsuki, he had been fending off some of the lower level villains on his own, but eventually the numbers grew and so did their abilities, forcing him to withdraw and regroup. They bunkered down in one of the buildings and began to plot their escape to regroup with that Katsuki had the idea to have Momo make some mason jars so that he could fill them with his sweat to create makeshift grenades as a way for everyone to hold their own and clear a path simultaneously. Things were going well for the other group as Uraraka was making some villains float while Izuku was using his napalm to slide around the villains and igniting it to contain them in a fiery prison. That is until they heard the most ungodly roar coming from the center of the USJ where Aizawa was fighting the Crusty HandJob villain. Shigaraki had told Kurogiri to summon the Nomu. As the teens finally made their way back to center they saw the gruesome sight that was the Nomu, and it was absolutely pummeling the erasure hero that they knew as Mr. Aizawa.

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