Chapter 18: (Unofficial) Business

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(Unofficial) Business

At UA, Hound Dog is on his perimeter check when he picks up the scent of class 3A but he also detects the scent of two unknown beings. He contacts Aizawa to meet him at the front gate. As Class 3A arrived back at UA along with VulGar and Deags, Seeing their students with two unidentified strangers, Aizawa and Hound Dog readied themselves for battle. Hound Dog dropped on all fours and began snarling, while Aizawa's hair stood on end as his eyes turned red and his scarf began to unravel from around his neck. As the group got closer, VulGar spoke up because he sensed something was off.

VulGar: Deags, something is up, I don't think our quirks are working
Deags: I feel fine, what makes you say that?
VulGar: I can actually feel the weight of my sword
Deags: Oh shit, what do you think caused it?
VulGar: My guess, the guy with the glowing red eyes
Deags: I don't need my quirk to take him out, I'm still fully loaded
VulGar: I don't think that'll be necessary
Deags: Why not? I have a clear shot
VulGar: They're standing in front of the school, we might be the threat to them, stand down
Deags: You used to be more fun
VulGar: We're on a job man, and this ain't our turf, let's not be so quick to make enemies
Deags: Ugh Fiiiiiiine, buzzkill.

Still in a defensive stance Aizawa calls out to Izuku and instructs him to take the rest of class 3A to the dorms. He does so with a slightly worried look on his face as he notices his teacher was in a defensive combat stance and was hoping that they wouldn't engage the 2 people who saved the class. With 3A away from any potential danger Aizawa calls to the 2 men standing in front of the school.

Aizawa: You two, state your business for being here and with my students *eyes still glowing red*
VulGar: Woah let's all calm down now we don't want to make a mess of things.
Aizawa: Hard not to consider you a threat with a blade that massive
VulGar: Fair enough
Deags: Yo relax old man *hand still on his holstered weapon*
VulGar: D! Shut up, you trying to start shit?
Deags: Not intentionally
VulGar: Real smooth wise guy, you trying to recreate Budapest?
Aizawa: Enough! Now explain!
VulGar: Right, we are here to speak with whomever is in charge.
Aizawa: And what business do you have with them?
Deags: Bro did you not see the attack at that mall?!? You should be thanking us for stepping in when we did
Aizawa: You mean to tell me that all that destruction was caused by the two of you? And you want us to thank you for that?
Deags: Well when you say it like that...
VulGar: Deags, stop talking, you're just digging us deeper in this hole, *looks to Aizawa* we are responsible for some of that damage, but not the entirety if it, we saw your students being overwhelmed and wanted to assist, we have some information that may shed some light on this whole fiasco, and since your class was involved we thought it'd be best to come here and speak to someone who may be able to help us.
Aizawa: Why the school and not the hero association?
VulGar: I assure you that we have our reasons not to speak openly about that in public.
Aizawa: .......... *deactivates his quirk* very well then, I will take you to see The principal under one condition, you must check your weapons in with security, this is a school after all
Deags: Oh no way in hell am I handing over my babies to some rent a cop!
VulGar: Deags!! We can't afford to fuck this up and stir up a shit storm, just do it, you'll get them back *turns to Aizawa* Right?
Aizawa: *nods in agreement*
Deags: I swear if some jerk off decides to fuck around with these, I ain't responsible for what happens to them
Aizawa: ........ Follow me.....

VulGar and Deags follow Aizawa through security where they check their weapons in. There was some trouble for VulGars swords as no one was able to lift it while Deags couldn't let his "babies" go. After finally making it past security the 2 proceeded to follow the tired hero through the halls of the highschool. As they arrive at a strange door Aizawa turns around to instruct the two to remember to bow when meeting the principal as it is customary. Aizawa knocked 3 times and there was a brief moment before a tiny voice called out to "come in". Upon entering VulGar and Deags stand in shock as they see some weird bear mouse creature.

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