Chapter 13: Bittersweet Revenge

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Bittersweet Revenge

Timeskip 2 years forward.

It's Saturday morning and most of the now Class 3A are downstairs having breakfast together and talking about finals. As for our Jiro on the other hand, she was waking up from another rough night's sleep. It has been 2 years since Katsuki had left and yet she still had sleepless nights frequently. If it wasn't sleepless nights then it would be nightmare filled nights, usually it was the same recurring nightmare where the events of the USJ played in her head and she couldn't help but blame herself for him leaving. Had she only not listened to Momo and talked to him then maybe he'd still be here with her. She's not mad at Momo because she understands why she acted the way she did, but she still holds out hope that one day her "Pookie" would return to her.

Jiro had been contemplating on whether or not she should stay in her room or suck it up and go down stairs with the rest of her friends. Meanwhile the rest of the class was discussing what they should do today when on the TV, a news story caught some attention.

Kirishima: Hey guys check this out!
Kaminari: what is it?
Kirishima: Well you know how I've been keeping up with those 2 Infamous Bounty hunters in America?
Sero: Oh Yeah, the two weirdos, what about them?
Kirishima: Well check it out.... It looks like a third member has joined them... they say he goes by the name "Ground Zero"
Kaminari: Not gonna lie, that's a cool name. What's the story on his quirk?
Kirishima: Hmm well from what I've heard so far is that, he seems to be quirkless
Class 3A: HUH!?!?!?
Momo: How can that be?
Iida: Does it really matter? This guy is a criminal! *chopping hands*
Kirishima: Chill out bro, these guys may kinda break the law, but I wouldn't say they're all criminals, like they actually do good, just not in the best way.

As the class goes on debating about this new bounty hunter, they fail to see their friend Jiro make her way down the stairs and into the common room and decides to join the debate.

Jiro: Well if you ask me all 3 of those guys are heroes in their own way, the law prevents pro heroes from taking certain action because they're afraid of the negative repercussions.
Class 3A: JIRO!!!
Jiro: Ahh!!! Why are you all yelling!?!?? My hearing is still enhanced ya know.
Mina: We've been worried about you..
Momo: Yeah even though it's been 2 years you've taken the hardest hit and you still haven't been able to move on.
Jiro: Guys I keep telling you I'm fine, sometimes I just need to be alone to think.
Momo: But it's been two years.
Jiro: A long two years Yaomomo, but I assure you, I'm fine.
Sero: Well that's good.... Anyways, where were we?
Mina: We were discussing that new bounty hunter guy
Kirishima: Ah right..... that guy, he's such a badass.... Must be ex military by the looks of his gear

The class proceeded to chat about the American bounty hunters and then eventually the topic transitioned onto the topic of graduation. It was now almost noon when Mina suggested that they all ask Aizawa for permission to leave campus to go to the mall. Momo, taking the initiative, messaged Aizawa and he gave them permission to leave but to be back before curfew. With that, all of class 3A decided to go get ready and meet back at the common room in 1 hour. Everyone was downstairs ready to go, the only one not there was Jiro, so Momo volunteered to go check on her. Upon entering Jiro's room, Momo could see her best friend sitting on the bed mostly dressed and staring at a black and orange hoodie that she pulled out of the closet. Momo hadn't seen that hoodie in about 2 years.... It belonged to Katsuki, which he let Jiro use one night because she forgot her sweater.

Momo: Hey, you ready?
Jiro: Oh, yeah, sorry, I wanted to dress warm and I-
Momo: You found that and it made you think back
Jiro: Y-yeah... *tears begin to well in her eyes*
Momo: Jiro...
Jiro: Yaomomo... it has his scent.. *a single tear falls*
Momo: Oh Jiro... please don't cry...
Jiro: Why did he leave me?
Momo: He didn't *hugs her* He just made a mistake and I'm sure he still regrets it.

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