Chapter 10: Heavy Burdens

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(AN: Hey guys FocusRS58 here, Merry Christmas and Happy holidays... Just wanted to give you all a little Christmas surprise, so we've decided to release chapter 10 early as a gift. Which works out as this chapter isn't as long but still 1000+ words so enjoy 😊 )

Heavy burdens

The brooding Katsuki had just left the 1A dorms without a single word. He had asked Mr. Aizawa for permission to use the training room to "blow off steam" to which Aizawa was impressed that he even iasked, but was also concerned, He approved of it but something didn't feel right..... he could tell something was definitely wrong with his #1 "problem child" so he decided he was going to keep an eye on him for now.

Katsuki was walking on the UA path still deep in thought about all that happened and it only made him more frustrated, angry but at the same time also sad. Then almost as if the universe knew how he was feeling, it started to rain but Katsuki didn't care, he just kept on walking as if the weather didn't exist. He finally made it to the training room and used his student ID to open the doors but in doing so, he set off the silent alarm. Principal Nezu sees this on the cameras and calls to notify Aizawa of Katsuki's "intrusion".

Nezu: Shota, you should know that one of your students has triggered the silent alarm as he entered the training room. It's young Bakugo.
Aizawa: *sleepy* Right, I neglected to mention that I gave him authorization to enter at this time
Nezu: May I ask why?
Aizawa: He actually came to me and asked for permission to use it to "blow off some steam"
Nezu: I see... wait, you said he asked?
Aizawa: Correct
Nezu: For someone such as young Bakugo to ask to do anything is something strange, Don't you think?
Aizawa: My thoughts exactly... he seemed a bit troubled, I was planning to go check up on him.
Nezu: I do agree that you should check in on him, but I'd recommend doing so from a distance.... Katsuki Bakugo is a very guarded and stubborn child, so if you come right out and ask him if something is wrong he will hide the truth.
Aizawa: That's a good point sir, I'll be going now.
Nezu: Right.
(Both hang up)

Back with Katsuki, he had dropped his bag down and got right to work. Setting up his weights without even stretching or warming up first. With his new WIRED earphones on, he plays his rock playlist hoping it'll help him release his stress. After a good 30 minutes of pumping out his max weights on bench, squats and curls he still felt so much anger, very little relief and yet still the pain of sadness was brewing a storm in his mind. He was still very angry, not at Momo, or Izuku or even Jiro... no, he was angry with himself. He had hurt the one person he felt truly safe around, he was able to be vulnerable around her, and yet he let his rage, his demons and the darkest parts of him, take over and make him do something he knows he can never forgive himself for. With those thoughts infinitely looping around in his mind, he grunts in frustration and goes to the other side of the training room to the row of very heavy, and very durable, weighted punching bags...

While walking over to the bags, Katsuki begins to take off his earphones, while doing so, something glints in his peripheral vision. When he had dropped his bag on the ground, he failed to notice the ring Jiro had given him was now out of its charred box and lying on the floor. He picks it up and puts it in his right ring finger. As this happens Mr. Aizawa had quietly made his way into the training room and stood in the far corner to observe his student. Katsuki then connects his phone to the speakers in the training room and doesn't even wrap his hands or wrists as the song starts and he starts hitting the bag in rhythm to his song of choice..... "Darkest Part" by Red. (Lyrics)

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