Chapter 16: Blast from the past

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Blast from the past

???: hello?
Floof: Is this commissioner Bacon?
Bacon: Yes, and who is this? How did you get this number?
Floof: Bro its Floof, you know, the kid rescued by Vulgar and Deags?
Bacon: Ah yes, the child, well can this wait? There's an emergency and I need to tend to it
Floof: Wait, I have a message from VulGar it's urgent
Bacon: Fine, go ahead
Floof: Vulgar says "Deags, Ground Zero and I are en route to the Queen Mary, have paramedics and first responders on standby in the surrounding area but not too close to the destruction to avoid any unwanted collateral damage"
Bacon: Saves me the trouble of having to call them, Got it, thanks again Floop
*the commissioner hangs up*
Floof: ......what a dick....

As the commissioner ends the call, he decides to broadcast his orders to all law enforcement under his jurisdiction

C. Bacon: All units, All units, we have a possible terrorist attack at the queen Mary, VulGar, Deags, and Ground Zero are taking point, all units are ordered to support them and not interfere, your objective is to rescue any and all civilians that need assistance!

Back at the Queen Mary we see VulGar, Deags and Ground Zero fighting an enormous beast. Ground Zero is struggling more than the other two for reasons that will be brought to light very soon. Using his war machine grenade launcher he fired a thermite round towards the beast and watched as it shrieked in pain. This is when it all dawned on him what was needed to defeat this monstrosity.

*over comms*
Ground Zero: Deags switch to incendiary or thermite rounds!! This thing can't stand High heat
Deags: Copy that, going hot
Ground Zero: VulGar!! Got any way to turn up the heat?
VulGar: I have something in mind *smirk*
Deags: Oh shit you're gonna use THAT???
VulGar: It's been a while since I got the chance to
Deags: But what if-
Ground Zero: JUST USE IT!!!

VulGar takes a deep breath and his eyes begin to change color, from very dark brown, to a bright gold, he opens his mouth and slowly breathes fire onto his massive bowie sword. Ground Zero looks in awe as VulGar is now holding a flaming sword, although he was a good distance away, he could feel the intense heat from the dark red flames emitting from the large blade, it reminded him of a certain green mop from his childhood. The three sync up and begin their assault on this beast.

VulGar: Alright let's take this thing down with speed and precision, so that means no slacking off, that means you Deags
Deags: *fake British accent* wot you on about?
VulGar: I'm serious. GZ you go bright, I'm talking raining flash bangs, blind that thing and if you can, deafen it, Deags, I need you to bring out the heavy non lethal rounds, back that thing into a corner, on my signal you two rain down hell fire with thermite and wipe out any trace of that thing, we clear?
Ground Zero: Got it
Deags: Roger that

The three split up and get into attacking positions, Ground Zero up high with his war machine aimed right at the beast's face, Deags flanking it's left side starts preparing his trusty Desert Eagles to fire non lethal rounds to lead it where VulGar is waiting to strike. VulGar signals Ground Zero to initiate the attack, he immediately began firing his flash grenade rounds directly at the monstrosity, the bright light followed by the loud explosions caused the beast to recoil in complete discomfort, the plan to blind and deafen it was working, Deags saw his opening and switched his guns to full auto and let loose a barrage of 25mm rubber bullets, each impact caused the beast to take a step in the opposite direction. Deags and Ground Zero continued their onslaught as VulGar wielded his flaming blade in a striking stance. The moment the beast was within the kill zone, VulGar bolted at top speed, the force of his takeoff crumbled the concrete under his foot, in a single motion he swiped upward, severing the monster's left leg, he then jumped and spun around while bringing his blade downward chopping off It's left arm, upon landing he quickly dashed off and ordered Deags and Ground Zero to rain down thermite on the severed limbs, they immediately followed through and within moments the limbs were essentially vaporized, VulGar positioned himself for the next wave of attacks, He once again destroyed the ground beneath him with his takeoff, this time he sliced the beast in half at the waist line, he quickly regained his footing and spun around to launch another quick attack, as he was within a foot of the beast, he leaped upward slicing it from its ribs to its right shoulder. As VulGar was still in the air, he spun around and hurled his flaming sword and decapitated the still screeching beast, once the blade embedded itself in the ground VulGar called out to his teammates.

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