Chapter 20: I'm No Hero

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I'm No Hero

*over comms*
Jiro: Hey Yaomomo,  I know that guy, he's a known associate of the league... Yaomomo? Hey Yao- *cuts off*
VulGar: The fuck was that?
Izuku: That can't be good
VulGar: Deku, Deags, get back to UA it sounds like we might need a medic, GZ, to me, let's check on Team 1
Izuku: Yes sir, Emerald Inferno out
Deags: Hurry back man, heading back to UA, Deags out
Ground Zero: ....copy....

VulGar and Ground Zero rush their way to Team 1's last known location while Izuku and Deags hurry back to UA to inform Nezu of someone possibly needing medical attention. Ground Zero and VulGar are now running side by side getting closer to their destination, they both spot something in the distance, upon realizing what they were seeing, they pick up their pace. After a few moments they reached the location and there they found the motionless body of Alchemist, VulGar knelt down and placed two fingers on her neck to check for a pulse, she was still alive, just unconscious. As VulGar looked up from where he was, he noticed Ground Zero was following a trail of what appeared to be dragging marks and drops of blood.

VulGar: GZ, got something?
Ground Zero: Drag marks and blood droplets, Soundwave was taken
VulGar: Fuck, just what we need, a missing student...
Ground Zero: They took her.....
VulGar: GZ, you good?
Ground Zero: THEY... TOOK... JIRO... *clenches his fists*
VulGar: *Now piecing together everything he knew about Katsuki* GZ...
Ground Zero: I'LL KILL THEM ALL!!!
Ground Zero: *looks back at VulGar *
VulGar: Alchemist is hurt, we gotta get her back to UA
Ground Zero: *visibly shaking in anger*
VulGar: *carrying Alchemist in his arms* .......... Go get her back......

With those words, Ground Zero cracked a malicious smile before throwing his hands behind him and using his quirk to blast himself towards the warehouse.

VulGar: *thinking out loud* ..... Good luck buddy.... Get your girl back... *takes off full speed towards UA*

As VulGar is running at inhuman speed, he realizes that on foot would take too much time, Momo needs medical attention and Katsuki needs back up, so he decides it's time to utilize his quirk. VulGar's eyes once again changed to that glowing gold color and huge scaled wings sprouted from his back instantly, he tightened his grip on Momo then leaped into the air and with a thunderous boom, he beat his wings sending him skyward at breakneck speeds. With every beat of his wings it propelled him faster and faster, he reached UA in under a minute thanks to his ability. Using his wings to soften the landing, he made it outside the UA main entrance and bolted inside sprinting towards Recovery Girl's office.

VulGar: *bursting through the door* Yo someone get off their ass and come help me!!
Recovery Girl: *shocked* Oh good heavens what happened?
VulGar: I found her unconscious, I assume she was on a mission, I'm afraid I can't explain the details. I need to get to Deags and Emerald Inferno NOW!
Recovery Girl: Ok Sonny I believe they are with Nezu and Aizawa.
VulGar: Thanks again, bye *zooms down the hall*

VulGar skids to a halt outside Nezu's office, doesn't bother knocking and like the FBI burst in the room causing the four already in the room to rubber neck and one particular Gunslinger to whip out his twin hand cannons and aim them towards His friendly neighborhood Dragon.

VulGar: Guys we have a situ- Deags I swear to god if you don't stop pointing those at me, they're going up your ass.
Deags: My bad bro, reflexes
Aizawa: Jeez kid, what's got you all on edge?
Nezu: Indeed is everything alright?
VulGar: Far from it *audible panic*
Deags: V? What's the update with Team 1? And where's GZ?
VulGar: No time to explain, we need to go, Ground Zero might need back up.
Aizawa: What's going on? Where are my students?!
Deags: You heard the Dragon, no time to explain. Now get off your sleepy ass let's move!!
VulGar: Deku, you too
Izuku: O-Okay sir.

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