Chapter 22: Seeing a ghost, in the flesh

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Seeing a ghost, in the flesh

It was about 3am when Nezu, Aizawa, VulGar and Deags all drunkenly stumbled their way back to UA, they parted ways, Nezu and Aizawa returning to their respective dorms while VulGar and Deags made their way back to the guest house. Upon arriving at the door, they found that it had been locked, since they didn't have a key, they had no way in, they were a moment away from kicking down the door when a noise from within made them remember what was happening inside. They decided to seek shelter elsewhere and ended up passing out in the 3A common room. The two awoke to the sound of multiple confused voices which were amplified by the effects of their hangover.

Kirishima: Hey you guys, did you sleep here last night?
VulGar: Hey kid, yeah Deags and I needed somewhere to pass out, hope you don't *burp* mind
Kirishima: Dude, no worries, you're absolutely welcome here
Izuku: I thought you guys had a guest house around back
VulGar: Oh we do, but we... decided not to use it
Momo: But it was constructed for you three, Speaking of which, where's Ground Zero?
VulGar: Well....
Mina: Has anyone seen Jiro?
Deags: Will you all pipe down? My head is pounding
Iida: Serves you right for being a boozed up delinquent
Deags: Ugh, I'm not in the mood 4 eyes
VulGar: Long story short, GZ needed the place to himself
Izuku: Why would he ne-
Momo: *nudges Izuku*
Izuku: Hmm?
Momo: *Moves her head to point to the window nearby*
Izuku: Looks like someone is coming out of the guest house
Kirishima: Is that Jiro?
Mina: *Eyes light up as she gasps*
Izuku: And is that?
Momo: Mhm
Izuku: No way....
Mina: Shh here they come, everyone act natural
Izuku: Uhhhh... *starts whistling and puts hands in pockets*
Momo: Smooth

Just then the back door to the common room opens and in walks Jiro and Ground Zero holding hands, Jiro was in the outfit she had been wearing the previous day and Ground Zero was in full combat gear, mask still on. Who else but the queen of tea runs up to Jiro bombarding her with questions.

Jiro: *startled* Huh? spill? Here? *checks under her feet*
Mina: Yes here!!! When did this happen? Why did this happen? *under her breath* How was it? I NEED TO KNOOOWWW!!
Momo: Jesus Mina let the girl breathe..
Jiro: *poking her ear jacks together*
Mina: But Momo the teeaaa, it MUST be spilt!
Jiro: Momo it's fine.... And Mina to answer your questions.... It just kinda happened last night, after I got released from recovery girl. And as for why it happened, it's because he... asked me to come over to the guest house,  he was genuinely concerned if I was feeling better and I guess from there... things happened.
Iida: This is unacceptable Jiro, you're still in school so it is against school policy to have those kinds of interactions on school grounds and with a Criminal nonetheless! *robo hands*
Jiro: Oh save it Iida,  don't act so innocent we all know what your doing when you help Mei make her "Babies"
Denki: *chuckling* Hahahaha!! good one Jiro! No chill.  Well I'm glad to see you've moved on from Bakugo, the guy was great but this guy isn't a downgrade *pointing at Ground Zero*
Class 3A: *Stare daggers at Denki*
Jiro: *runs her fingers through her hair nervously*
Mina: *slaps Denki* Shut up Dummy
Jiro: No,  it's fine really... he's not exactly wrong
Mina: Wait, what? How are you gonna 180 like that? These past 2 years you've been depressed and gloomy about Katsuki, Now this guy *motioning to GZ* comes along and you're over Katsuki like *snaps her fingers* that?
Jiro: well... it's just....
Deags: GZ, maybe it's time?
VulGar: Yeah before things get too dramatic
Ground Zero: Maybe you guys are right, it might be time
Class 3A: *look at GZ surprised he actually spoke*
Ground Zero: *Grips his mask but his hand shakes a bit*
Jiro: *moves closer to GZ and grabs his hand* It's okay Babe you can do this, you need this as much as they do

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