Chapter 5: Knotfest

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Saturday finally came around as Izuku woke up from his slumber to text Momo. The two have become extremely close but have yet to make it "official". Today was the day of knotfest, the Heavy Metal rock festival hosted and starring SlipKnot, Momo had pulled some strings and used her upper class privileges to gain access to 4 VIP tickets as well as back stage passes to the pre-show to meet with the band.

Izuku: good morning Momo 😁
Momo: hmm morning Izu
Izuku: Izu? Hmmm 🤔 kinda has a nice ring to it, I'll allow it. So how are we looking for tonight?
Momo: Everything is good to go, I was able to get 4 VIP backstage passes, but we'd have to be there by 5:30pm. The show doesn't start till 7pm but since we have special access, we get to go backstage and hang with the band.
Izuku: Woah really?? How'd you swing that?
Momo: As it turns out, my father has some connections in social events.
Izuku: Wow Momo you're just full of surprises.
Momo: Oh stop, I try my best
Izuku: I don't know anything about the music but I'm really excited to see the looks on Jiro and Kachaan's faces when we show up there tonight 😁
Momo: Maybe those two will finally get a little "closer" 😏
Izuku: You make a great wingman, wingwoman? Idk 😅 but you get my point.

Fast forward to that afternoon

Deku: Kachaan, get dressed
Kachaan: What for?
Deku: Just get dressed, here put this on *tosses him a t-shirt*
Kachaan: uuuugh you're such a pes- wait, why is this a Slipknot shirt?
Deku: No time to explain, just get dressed, we gotta go.

Katsuki reluctantly did as Izuku asked, no matter how much it pissed him off to take orders, but he didn't think too much about it, as the boys finished getting ready they headed out and took a walk, after some time they arrived at the gates of an enormous mansion that had a limo parked near the front door.

Kachaan:What the hell are we doing here Deku? And who's place is this?
Deku: *Approaches a small keypad by the gate* Hush, I have to do something *starts pressing keys while looking at his phone*
Kachaan: Tch, whatever

*A voice comes on over the intercom*
???: Hello?
Deku: Hello, My name is Izuku, I'm here to see Momo
???: One moment
Kachaan: Wait! SHE lives here???
Deku: I know right? It's amazing
Kachaan: Who would have thought ol Ponytail was loaded
Deku: Well her Dad IS the police Captain, as well as a very successful businessman
Kachaan: Huh... nice

Just then the gates started to swing open and the voice from the intercom welcomed them inside.

???: You're free to proceed to the front door
Izuku: Thank you sir

The two boys proceed to walk up the long driveway that wrapped around a marble fountain, leading to a pair of giant doors. The boys walk up the steps and reach the doors. Izuku grabs one of the golden door knockers and proceeds to knock on one of the giant doors, after a few moments and tall thin older man with a great mustache answered the door.
???: Good day master Midoriya *in and English accent*
Izuku: Alfred right? And no need to be so formal sir, you can call me Izuku
Alfred: Correct, Alfred pennyworth at your service, As you wish Master Izuku, and may I ask who this is? *referring to katsuki*
Izuku: Ah right, Alfred this is my best friend/ technically brother, Katsuki Bakugo
Alfred: Ah, well good day to you master Bakugo
Katsuki: Tch, it's just Bakugo (he said grumpily)

As if on cue, Momo and Jiro make their way down stairs.

Momo: Hello boys *scottish accent*
Jiro/katsuki: *confused*
Izuku: *scottish accent* Moose, Squirrel
Momo: *giggling*
Jiro/katsuki: *groaning* I gotta get a new friend.... *Both look at each other and share a shy smile*
Momo: Anywho well I see you're both dressed to the nines, shall we head out?
Izuku: *smirking* Mhm.
Jiro: Where exactly are we going Yaomomo?
Momo: You'll see
Katsuki: Ya know, this whole secrecy thing is gettin real old ponytail, even Deku hasn't told me anything
Momo: Well then he's a man of his word *winks at Izuku*
Izuku: *blushes*
Katsuki: *gives them both an unamused look*
Jiro: So you're in the dark about this too?
Katsuki: Looks that way Ears
Momo/Izuku: Ears??
Katsuki: Shut up! Let's go already

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