Chapter 3: Never meet your heros

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Never meet your heros

SPRING BREAK!!!! For most if not all middle school kids, spring break is the week to look forward to, the reason being is it just signals that summer vacation is nearing and the end of school is in sight. Albeit for our young dynamic duo spring break meant one thing.... The start of their 6 month training regime. The end goal? The UA entrance exam, who knew one test would decide your future?

It's Day 1 of training and the boys decided to focus on their cardio and stamina that way their bodies can keep up with the physical demand of the raw power the exude. Their muscles can handle the strain but their hearts can't keep up, the purpose for this particular training is for them to be able to fight at full power for more than just a few minutes.

It's Monday morning young Bakugo jumped out of bed, literally, using his quirk as a way of propulsion (unintentionally) he brought his hands out to the sides of his bed in a stretch and accidentally ignited the bio fuel he produces, causing a mini explosion and scorching his sheets in the process.
Katsuki: (somehow landing safely on his feet) FUUUUUUCK not again! I really gotta dial it down or else I'm gonna end up burning down my house, or worse, hurting someone. *he cringed in pain at the memory of his mother beating him senseless for that exact reason*
Katsuki: I better call Deku to make sure he's awake.
As he grabs his phone he hears a knock at his door. He proceeds to walk down the stairs and hears the knocking again, he reaches the bottom and walks over to the door, he hesitantly opens it to he see his best friend hopping up and down with the excitement of a 5 year old who met his favorite hero. "Who could possibly be this excited for cardio workouts? Fucking psychopaths that's who." He thought to himself
Deku: Damn kachaan you just waking up?
Kachan: Yeah, damn near burnt my room down again.... What time is it anyway?
Deku: 10:30 am
Kachaan: Oh shit! I thought we agreed on 8am
Deku: That was the plan but we can both see that didn't happen
Kachaan: well I see your already good to go, come on in, the hag is at work.

Izuku walks in and waits for Katsuki as he gets ready, after about 10 minutes Katsuki walks out dressed in typical workout attire, a t-shirt and shorts, they make their way down the street towards a spot Izuku had previously mentioned. They arrive at their destination, a potentially beautiful but trash filled beach. What was once a popular summer hangout now turned landfill. It was almost sad really, but the duo came up with a plan..... Since no one really ever visited this beach, that's where they would do their training.

Kachaan: alright what the hell is this
Deku: since we're working on endurance and overall cardio, I thought we could clean up this dump that used to be a beach
Kachaan: NANI!!! You're out of your damn mind if you think we alone can clean this shit hole Deku!
Deku: Oh come on kachaan isn't that what heros do to serve the community?
Kachaan: .... You son of bitch, im in
Deku: But I thought your mom was the-
Kachaan: It's an expression ok!?

And thus began operation "clean this Beech"( yes I meant it like that)

It was near the end of the week and the dynamic duo had barely made a dent in the seemingly endless trash, but on the other hand got some good training out of it, their overall endurance had shown a great amount of progress but still not hero level just yet. With that they decided to call it a day and began their walk home.

(meanwhile elsewhere in the city)
Two young ladies about the same age as our young aspiring heroes are walking back home after a shopping spree they had just spent the day enjoying.

Jiro: Wow Yaomomo I can't believe you spent all that money... especially on me, *she presses her index fingers together in a shy manner* it's not like I'll be turning any heads anyway.
Momo: Jiro, first off, the money? It wasn't THAT much, not even a quarter of my monthly allowance and as for the other thing... don't talk like that okay? Bodies aren't everything, trust me, somewhere out there is a boy who likes you for you and what's inside, not how you look on the out side
Jiro: *blushes* th-thanks Yaomomo

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