Chapter 11: Memory Lane

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Memory Lane

After class 1A had gone to their rooms due to the time being after lights out, Jiro had messaged Momo and Izuku to meet her in the kitchen. They agreed to do so and readied themselves to have a conversation about what Mr. Aizawa could possibly want to tell them, this clearly had them on edge.

(All three are gathered and speaking in a hushed tone)
Jiro: I haven't been able to shake the feeling that we're in trouble
Momo: But Why?
Izuku: Yeah, it makes no sense, we didn't actually do anything... right?
Momo: Uhhhh....
Jiro: Hmmm...
Izuku: Maybe he thinks Kachaan did something?
Jiro: What could he have done? *her head droops down* He... hasn't even... been around lately.
Momo: Well there's no point in standing around and guessing...
Izuku: Momo is right, come on, Aizawa is probably waiting for us.
The three quietly make their way to the office, they briefly pause at the door for a moment before knocking, Mr. Aizawa's voice came from within and asked them to enter.
Now Inside Mr. Aizawa's office, the 3 students all take seats on one side of the desk while Aizawa sits without his signature yellow sleeping bag, signifying just how serious this conversation is going to be. The three students take notice of this and sense a shift in the atmosphere and await what he brought them in for. Judging by the look on his face, he means business. The three can't help but feel very tense while sitting silently waiting for him to speak.

Aizawa: ......
Izuku: *gulps*
Momo: *nervously rubs her hands together*
Jiro: *nervously tapping her foot*
Aizawa: Before you three faint from anxiety, you can relax, you're not in trouble.
Izuku: *exhales slowly and drops his shoulders*
Momo: *lifts her head in relief*
Jiro: *stops tapping her foot and breathes a sigh of relief*
Aizawa: You're wondering why I brought you here right?
Izuku: Yes sir
Momo: It was very sudden
Jiro: Did something happen?
Aizawa: Easy, there's no emergency, but there is a cause for concern. But before I get to that, I need to ask something
Izuku: Yes sir?
Aizawa: How are you? After the incident I mean
Izuku: Oh, I'm fine, my wounds have healed completely, no permanent damage
Aizawa: And you Ms Jiro?
Jiro: *caught off guard* Oh, I'm fine.
Aizawa: Are you really?
Jiro: Mhm, there's some occasional pain, and some scarring, but overall I'm alright.
Aizawa: Hmm, good. And mentally?
Momo: Mentally?
Aizawa: What you all witnessed cannot be easy on young minds, I was wondering if that has affected any of you psychologically.
Izuku: To be honest sir, watching that all happen right in front of me wasn't as traumatic as you'd expect, I felt like we acted as heroes and because of that, I'm able to accept everything that came after.
Aizawa: That's quite impressive seeing as you're all so young, Yaoyorozu, what about you?
Momo: I.... I still can't get over what happened to Kyoka...
Aizawa: Hm.... Jiro, do you have anything to say?
Jiro: I..... I don't blame him, and I hold no grudge, he acted as a hero and I couldn't be more proud. *Turns to Momo* I know you believe he's responsible for what happened to me, but had he not saved me, I wouldn't be alive right now.
Momo: ......
Aizawa: The reason I asked you all these questions is because I'm concerned for Katsuki. I can tell he's troubled, physically he's fine, but I fear his psychological state has been compromised.
Izuku: Why do you say that?
Aizawa: I'll get into that in a second, but first I need to know more about his personal history, what his childhood was like and life at home. What can you tell me about him?
Momo: To be honest I don't know very much about hi-
Aizawa: With all due respect Yaoyorozu, I was asking Midoriya since he's known him the longest, also I want to have a separate conversation with you later. I know what you've been doing to distance Jiro and young Bakugo, and I don't approve.
Jiro/Izuku: *stunned silence*
Aizawa: Now then, Midoriya, tell me everything you know about your best friend.

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