Chapter 7: Godzilla

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After the group opened their letters, and watched their former idol ridiculously explain why they were selected to receive these special messages, they soon burst out in congratulations as they all got accepted into UA as part of class 1A. (what are the odds right?) Just one week after they found out they were accepted, it was finally the first day and boy were they nervous, well not everyone was nervous. A certain blond haired ball of anger was actually more excited than ever. His reasoning behind this complete 180 of a mood? Well, now he gets to start off the chapter of this story...I mean, his life, where he proves to his deadbeat (emphasis on dead) mother wrong about what kind of hero he will grow up to be, He won't be the the #1 hero she expected him to be, but damned if he wasn't gunning for that #1 slot.
We see our duo walking to the local cafe on the morning of their first day. They had planned with the girls the previous day to meet there to grab some coffee and a light breakfast then walk to UA together. Upon getting in sight of the cafe they see a limo out front.

Deku: Well Kachaan looks like the girls beat us here.
Kachaan: Tch they cheated, we were walking and ponytail got a ride.
Deku: *chuckling*  Kachaan, why is everything a competition to you?
Kachaan: *growling* Why the hell not?
Deku: *mini Deku Devil pops up on his shoulder* no no, he's got a point. Anyways let's just get inside.

The two walk inside and see Momo and Jiro sitting at a booth. They order their drinks both the same, Large Iced mocha with 3 extra shots. They walk over to the booth where the girls are.

Momo: Hi izu
Jiro/katsuki: IZU?!?!?
Izuku: Hi Momo
Jiro: Hey Pook...
Katsuki: EARS!!! Not here
Jiro: Hehe sorry boomy
Katsuki: *face palms* Whatever...
Izuku: Someone's got a secret pet name
Katsuki: Deku I swear to God, I still haven't had any of this coffee yet, you really wanna piss me off?
Izuku: Fine fine, have your coffee.....

Katsuki was just taking his first sip when Izuku finished his sentence

Katsuki: *Nearly does a spit take*
Jiro: Pookie please don't spill that, it gets very messy
Momo: *lights up because she finally said it*
Izuku: *Snort* Pookie?
Katsuki: Oh hell no!
Izuku: Aww isn't that cuuuute Kachaan has a new name and it's pooki-
Katsuki: That does it!!!

Katsuki leaped over onto Izuku and they engaged in a playful dust cloud fight, picture something out of a cartoon where all you see is hands and feet sticking out of a cloud of smoke, that type of deal.

Momo: Boys!! Not inside the cafe! Please
Jiro: Seriously, that's not indoor behavior

The dust cloud fight pauses and reveals Katsuki holding Izuku by the collar,  and Izuku, who has swirls for eyes and those huge lumps on his head, appears to be dazed.

Katsuki: You're right.... Let's take this outside! *Tosses Izuku outside like a ragdoll then pounces on him and resumes the dust cloud*

After another few minutes of Katsuki comically beating the shit out of Izuku, the girls finally decided to intervene as it was getting closer to the time that they had to get to UA. With 30 minutes until class started, the 4 teens walked to the school and once there Izuku being the clutz he is, trips. Katsuki laughing, Jiro smacking him for laughing and Momo going to reach for Izuku when all of a sudden izuku stops falling. All three look at a somewhat familiar looking brunette, who touches Izuku thus making him float.

????: oh sorry but it's bad luck to trip and fall on your first day of school.
Izuku:Oh uh thanks for that, I'm Izuku Midoriya.*going to shake her hand*
Momo: And I'm Momo Yaoyarozu, Izuku's girlfriend *stepping in front of Izuku*
????: Oh, well nice to meet you Izuku and Momo, I'm Ochaco Uraraka
Momo: Pleasure.
Uraraka: Well I have to get going, See you guys later *walks away*
Izuku: Nice meeting yo-
Momo: The nerve of that girl, putting her hands on you like that
Izuku: Momo, she was just helping
Jiro/katsuki: Awwww is someone jealous?
Momo: Oh grow up you two, at least I openly admitted to being Izuku's girlfriend!
Katsuki: Yeah but my girl doesn't need to announce it, she knows it and so do I. I don't care about anyone else.
Jiro: Wow..... *Blushing*
Katsuki: Let's get going, I don't like being late.

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