Chapter 1 - Laboon; Meet the Straw Hats!

Start from the beginning

But now, let's catch up to the present time...


I don't remember much of what happened, but I think the boy in red ran into me and Vivi (also known as Miss Wednesday) and knocked us out... inside the whale? And the Straw Hats kept us on their boat until we got out of the whale.

I regained consciousness by Vi- ...' er...I mean, Miss Wednesday, shaking me awake, the sound of a fight in the background.  We were on a ship before I caught a glimpse of the fight being held by a boy in red. He had jean shorts, a red shirt, sandals, and a Straw Hat with a red ribbon around the base.

The boy in red was fighting the whale?! How could a boy his size keep up with a BABY whale that size?! It was almost enough for me to pass out again.

" It's a draw."

His words made us and the pirates look over at him. Thankfully, I'm not the only one confused here.

"I'm stronger than I look, but I feel you knew that."

This kid's talking to a whale. Even after being in the Grand Line my whole life, it still confuses me.

He started talking about how he will be rivals with the whale and about a rematch when they finish sailing the Grand Line.

We all watched, snickering at the poorly drawn Jolly Roger on "Laboon's" forehead, But when we realized that the crew was back on board, without thinking, I grabbed Miss Wednesday and jumped over the edge of the ship.

Though, because I ate a devil fruit, I just hung onto the railing, out of sight from the pirates.

"What are we going to do now? We don't have a way to get back because that whale Laboon ate our ship!" I whispered, struggling to keep a hold of the railing.

"We should get away from these morons and try to contact Mr.0." Miss Wednesday said, gripping the rail next to me. I have always been jealous of her ability to stay calm in bad situations. I turned to look at her.

When I adjusted my hold on the railing, we both noticed my wrist at the same time...

I had lost our Log pose...

She smacked me over the head.

"HOW COULD YOU LOSE IT SO EASILY?!" She yelled, making me shrink back at her voice. Boy, Vivi is super scary when she wants to be...

I started to look around to see if I had dropped it recently until I peeked onto the deck to see...oh god.

"The red boy has the Log pose..."

As soon as I said that, we heard a hollow hammering noise in the distance.

"Clack..........Clack........Clack......Clack....Clack..Clack, Clack, Clack"

It was the Unluckies!

I didn't really know what they were here for until I realized that the 'Tick' noise we heard was getting faster...the closer they got. Vivi was frantically trying to tell them it was a simple mistake, shuffling away, still on the outside of the pirate ship. 

She looked more scared than I had ever seen her. We both moved as far as we could until the package they had dropped sent us flying into the water.

I heard a scream before I went under but I didn't care. I'm still a devil fruit user. Vivi was frantically trying to pull me up, but she just couldn't. Before I could close my eyes, a new figure grabbed my body and swam to the surface, holding Vivi as well. 

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