𝐥𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢. don't be worried - jill roord

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I only have 1 day of my Easter break back and I seriously just don't want to be in school:( So I'm writing this to get school shit out of my mind! It was also a request, so enjoy!..


We had just played against Arsenal in the second leg of the quarter finals and I'm very happy to say that we're now in the semifinals of the Champions League.

I had to do an interview, since I had been named the best player on the field today, which I'm very grateful and happy about.

"Remember to just walk away if they ask something too personal, okay?" my girlfriend and teammate, Jill said.

"I know, Jill. It's just a normal interview, Don't Be Worried" I replied, giving her a quick kiss as I walked out of the locker room and into the media room.


"Welcome Y/n and congrats on coming through to the semi finals in the Champions League" the interviewer said.

"Thank you very much," I replied with a smile.

"Let's start with a simple question. How does it feel to be in the semi finals again, since you failed to do that last year?" I was asked.

"It's amazing! It feels like a long time ago since I played a semi final, so I'm super happy that this team is through, since I know how much the whole team has worked for it, so it feels nice and I'm feeling very proud" I answered.

"What is the difference between last year and now?"

"Well, I think we just got another look at each other, since last year. Of course I liked my teammates the moment I met them, but we just somehow grown closer over the year and I think that's the difference" I answered

"So you don't think that your girlfriend, Jill Roord, has had anything to do with it as she just signed this season?" I was asked by an idiot.

"Of course, Jill is making a difference! She is, in my eyes, one of the best in her position and I knew since she signed that she would be amazing here in Wolfsburg and she truly is!"

"So you don't think she was good when she played for Arsenal?" this idiot asked.

"She was good at Arsenal, but I think she has a lot more like freedom here at Wolfsburg, since she is starting in almost every game and at Arsenal she didn't started at every game, because Arsenal had so many others and then Jill was overlooked, but she is really talented and she is showing that here in Wolfsburg" I answered, giving the interviewer a death stare.

"Okay, so how did the two of you even get together? Were you the reason she came to Wolfsburg?"

This idiot is really pissing me off!

"Jill came to Wolfsburg, because she wanted a new adventure and she wanted to come closer to her family. How we got together is not important" I answered, carefully not to snap at the stupid interviewer.

"Well, I want to know how you guys got together?!"

"Well, listen here you little-" "and I think we're done here" my boss said, interrupting me before I said something I could (not) regret.


I walked into the locker room, where Lynn, Joelle and Lena was laughing they asses off.

"Dude, you were about to rip the interviewer's head off," Lynn said.

"I would have loved to see if you did it!" Joelle added as the kids continued laughing their asses off.

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