"What skills?" I swear my mouth can't going two seconds without running itself.

"Patience, Chaeyeong." The tug of his freckled lip and mischievous glaze of his eyes told me he was about to tease. "Or do I have tape your mouth shut?" My stomach pinged with a strange feeling, I throw my hands up in surrender to let him finish.

"Over-direction, misdirection and focus shifting are something I mastered. Now I'm going to teach you, even though I know you already have some idea of how to do it." Baekhyun's hands scrunched up in his pant pocket as he took slow steps towards me "You have exceptional observation skills, now you just need to make it less obvious."

"Jongin and the other didn't seem to notice." I protest with a slight pout, my eyes raking ever so slightly down to see how close Baekhyun had managed to get to me.

"That's them, they barely notice anything to be honest." A hand reached out of his pocket and found it's way to my chin. The burning feeling in my chest and in the pit of my stomach remained me. "But I notice, that gambling match with Jongin, your eyes may not have moved to him but to me they were moving rapid and hard. It's the same as your footsteps, you think you're being silent but its very loud."

My knuckles slightly cracked as I smash my fist against his shoulder, the honey sound of his sweet laughter filled my ears, making my own lips tug at the sound.

"They are plenty of people like me, that trained to be the best they can be. You have potential, drive and you know how to stand up for yourself. Train, get better and be unstoppable." His calloused thumbs gazed across my chin once more before he retracted his hand.

"You need to be able to keep someone's attention on you and only you while you work around them. You've looked me up and down about three times already, all while I noticed you lean my on your right leg, you pick at your nails quite frequently. You bite your lip as nervous habit and your left eye twitches every time you want to punch me."

"You could have noticed that at any time since we met, we do live in the same house now."

"My point exactly, you have no idea my eyes were roaming your body." Another punch hit his shoulder, staggering him away with another laugh.

"Prick." I never knew Baekhyun would be one to tease and make jokes, I've never even heard his laugh until this very moment, he was always cold and broody. Maybe it was my dream, but I was starting to see him in a different light. One I liked much more

"You have potential, you can throw a punch, you notice things most people don't; however, you sloppy when it comes to technique." My brows raised slightly at the word 'sloppy'. "You're extremely clumsy when it come to it, you trip over air and run into every corner possible. You lack depth perception and focus."

"Can we go back to the compliments please, I liked those a lot more." I pout at the honey eyed man in front of me with that killer smirk that manages to drive my mind haywire.

"Okay, Ego. My point is, there is room to improve." The midday sun made the warm tones in Baekhyun's lightly tousled hair glow. The wind caught his locks as he moved backwards to a black duffle bag that was placed behind him.

He didn't rummage for long before he pulls out a small circular steel object, with a light flick of his wrist, clinks of gears and metal rattle through the air. The small object was now four times bigger, slightly wider at the top and smaller at the bottom.

"This is a 'bo' staff, we normally use wooden ones, but I though an expandable one will be better suited for you." The metal weaved slightly around his wrist with smooth movement, lightly clanging on his metal chain link bracelet.

"It originated in Japan, my mother taught me when I was younger. It's going to help you with your balance, depth perception and coordination."

"And if you piss me off, I will not hesitate to swing it at you." I smile at him while shoving my own hands in my pockets, the air was only chilly as winter has ended and spring had started. The cold still affected me though

"If you can actually manage to land a hit, Chae." My name fell from his slightly smirking lips, the pit of my stomach swirled with butterflies while the anger boiled over.

Marching over to where Baekhyun stood, I grabbed the cold metal from him and walked back over to my stop a few feet away from him. His eyes danced with amusement as he followed my every move. I'll be honest, I didn't expect it to have any weight to it at all.

I shifts my palm into what felt like the middle and start to sway my wrist in figure eights, trying to copy what I've seen in movies. I felt the metal turn in my hand twice before a loud clang was heard and my right temple felt like a rock and been slung at it.

Baekhyun tried to stifle his laugh, however failing miserably as I heard his low chuckles from where I was holding my head.

"See? I wasn't just being a prick, you are pretty clumsy."

"Oh whatever asshat! You do it then if you're so good." I whined out, still holding my temple.

He ever so gracefully moved towards me to grab the staff before moving back to his spot, he placed his hand slightly high than I had mine, his feet remained shoulder width apart. His eyes locked with mine as he started moving the staff, it moved around his palm as his wrist danced along with it.

The muscles in his arm started to flex as has he controlled the metal staff as if it was dancing in the wind all on its own. It floated amongst the air and around Baek's sun kissed skin as if it were weightless, it moved around Baekhyun's whole body and transferred between hand so effortless that if you blinked you would have missed it

Baekhyun finishes his little performance with a swish of the 'bo' staff down to the ground, the wind force blew the loose hairs out of my face as my eyes found his again.

"Impressed?" He chuckled out. "Another lesson, your eyes followed the staff only, misdirection. You need to be the staff gliding along the wind that everyone is watching, all while performing another tick no one is noticing."

He retracted the staff before placing in his palm that was now held out for me. "It's yours, practice with it, perform with it and be one with it." I grabbed the small but heavy metal in his hands, before I could fully retract, his hand had grabbed the end of it.

"And for the love of god, please don't lose it. It has your name on it, so be careful." He twisted the metal slightly to reveal a small etching in the middle, 'LCY' was engraved into the metal with the most beautiful script, that I recognised at Baekhyun's hand writing from the notes he'd left me in the past.

He let go of the now my staff as I ran my fingers over the etching, feeling every groove.

"Thank you, Baekhyun." I pulled the staff close to my chest. It may be something little to him but it means a lot to me. "This truly means a lot and I appreciate it." His lips formed a smile, not a cunning smirk but a full smile, one he only lets his brothers see.

"Alright enough sappy Chaeyeong. I want the bad ass one back." I used my new weapon and smacked him in the chest. His low chuckle resonated through me. "There she is. Come on, lets get you some ice for your boo boo."

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