75| Dangerous Secret

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At school, Cory was leaning against the lockers as he watched Zoey and Shawn talk amongst each other on the bench.

Last night, he had tried to go the next step with Topanga but it didn't go well. Topanga ended up being furious with him for trying to keep up with his buddy and walked off in fury.

"And, I hope you're happy." Cory said as he glared at Shawn as he walked up to the lockers.

"What?" Shawn questioned in confusion.

"I've blown it with Topanga, and it's on your head." Cory snapped.

"Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. What?" Shawn asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I made a move on Topanga last night, and she got all upset, let we're not supposed to be doing that, even though I told her that you had Zoey spending nights at your place." Cory explained.

Shawn's eyes widened. "What?! You told her about Zoey?"

Cory paused and began to hesitate. "Um... perhaps."

"Cory, you promised you wouldn't tell anyone. I thought I could trust you." Shawn said, staring a his best friend in disappointment.

Cory shrugged his shoulders earnestly. "Shawn, we're talking about Topanga -"

"No, no." Shawn interrupted, shaking his head. "We're talking about trust. But you don't know what that means, do you?"


On Friday night, Cory's window opened to reveal Shawn, predictable. He crawled through the window and jumped down.

"You know, Shawn, you don't have to always use the window." Cory told him.

"I like it. Danger." Shawn explained simply.

"Listen, I'm sorry I told Topanga about you and Zoey. You forgive me?" Cory asked.

"Yeah. Friend for like." Shawn quickly brushed off as he closed the bedroom door. "You know that."

"Good. Good." Cory said, sounding entirely unconvinced. "And I want you to know that you can always trust me. You can always come to me for anything."

"My parents are back in town. Can I bring Zoey here tonight?" Shawn wondered.

Cory scoffed. "Oh, just throw it in my face."

"Cory, it's not like that." Shawn said.

"Then what is it, Shawn?" Cory questioned.

Shawn sighed. "Cory, don't you think that if I could've told you something, I would have?"

"Shawn, I think you know that you can always trust me with anything." Cory replied.

Shawn paused. "You swear you'll never tell?"

Cory nodded without any hesitation. "I swear."

"Okay, Zoey and I aren't doing anything. We never have. The reason she's been staying at my place - her mums new boyfriend hits her." Shawn announced with a frown.

Cory stared at him in shock. "What do you mean he hits her?"

"At night sometimes, he yells a lot and beats her up when her mum isn't around." Shawn explained solemnly.

"Wait, isn't that Brad?" Cory asked with furrowed eyebrows. "He's the vice president of a bank."

Shawn nodded with a tight smile. "Yeah, I know. Good job, well respected, a low-life creep. But... But I just can't hide her at my place anymore."

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