There's Always a First

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"Izu, wake up."

"Mm... Noo... Too... comfy..."

"Don't make me wake you up by force."

Izuku glared at Kitsune and held onto the blanket he was using.

"You... wouldn't..."

"I... will..."

Kitsune lunged at Izuku and scooped him up with the blanket like a burrito. Izuku squirmed but couldn't escape Kitsune's strong grip.

"Admit defeat!" Kitsune shouted.

"Neverrrrr!" Izuku fought back.

"Erm-- What are you guys doing--?" Kat snorted, entering from the front door.

"Izu over here is being difficult and won't get up!"

"I don't wanna!" Izuku pouted.

"Aw, come on Izu! It's the festival of a life time! We have great food, lots of stands, and even a few competitions!"

"Competitions?" Kitsune questioned.

"Well, yeah! We have pie eating contest, potato eating contest, archery contest, even a throwing contest! You'd be great at that one, Kitsune!"

"You think? Well, we've got no time to waste! Come on, Izu! Let's party!"

Kitsune dragged Izuku outside. The entire town was covered head-to-toe in decor. The ebtire town smelled like fresh fruits, vegetables, and desserts. Children were running around, and adults were setting up booths and event tables.

"Woah... So awesome!"

"It smells amazing!" Izuku commented.

"Hell yeah, it does! You ready for your first festival in Wyoming?"


Kitsune and Izuku really seemed to bond that day. There was dancing, music, tons of kids were playing around with Kitsune, asking him to fly them around. Izuku cheered Kitsune on with the throwing contest, which he one in a landslide. He won his first ever 1st place ribbon. The day was ending with fireworks. Everyone was gathered on the cliffside, waiting for Kat's Dad to set them off. The three were gathered together on a blanket, wait for the sun to go down.

"I'm... going to miss you guys when you have to leave."

"Yeah... Us, too. This was... incredible. But, I know Izu's friends miss him, and we still need to be at school."

"Right... Hey... visit again soon, yeah?"


.  .  .

It was Kitsune and Izuku's last day in the village. Kat and her uncle were waiting on them at the field. She was holding decorated bags. One was for Izuku and one for Kitsune.

"Here... this is a goodbye present. Don't open them until you're on the plane at the airport!"

"Got it!" Kitsune nodded.

They hopped onto the plane and waved goodbye to their new friend. This would be the last time they ever saw her. They departed and went high into the air.

After about an hour, they were able to land on an open field 5 miles from the airport. They waved goodbye to Kat's uncle and took a bus to the airport.

The airport was mostly empty. It was pretty small, though. They only had 3 planes, and most of them weren't departing until a few days later. This was the only plane they could book for Japan, only because it was two people coming on board.

"You excited, Izu? We're finally gonna be home."

"... I don't know. Maybe... I don't like the idea of going back... No one is going to look at me the same. Just look at me... I'm a mess..."

"You're not a mess. They'll think you're even more of a badass. And while you climb to the top, I'll fade right back into obscurity."

"I won't let that happen. You'll be right by my side and you can't change that." Izuku chuckled.

"God, you asshat." Kitsune joked.

"Calling for Flight A1-89. Calling for Flight A1-89."

"You ready?"

"Mm..." Izuku nodded.

They boarded the flight, and finally were allowed to open their gifts.

Izuku pulled out a flower crowna and a bag of homemade cookies. Kitsune pulled out a sweatshirt that Kat's grandma made them.

"Wow... Man, Kat's the best!" Kitsune exclaimed.

"Yeah... she really is..."

.  .  .

The collasped building had something in it that was overlooked. Under the rumble, there lies a beast that no person had ever seen. A 20 foot beast with razor sharp black fur, sharp claws and teeth, and 3 sets of eyes. They looked like a wolf with wings.

They roared and sniffed the air. They caught the scent of the one who did this to them, and started to run in that direction.

Izuku and Kutsune aren't the only ones coming to Musutafu.

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