"Hey." Jasper moved beside Draven who is busy writing his essay in Potions. "How are you? I missed bumping into you in the halls."

Draven chuckled. "I'm fine. Just busy these past few days."

"How's everything between Hermione? I see that you grew pretty much stronger than ever." He chattered and they looked at Hermione who was busy explaining the lesson to Harry and Ron.

"We made sure that we still have time for each other. I mean, time is important for a relationship to continue." He told him. "How about you? Things getting better with your girlfriend back in Ilvermorny?"

"Well... we decided to cool off for a while. Think things through, but we promised each other that once I come back home, we'll talk and see where this will lead us." Jasper said to him.

"I hope things will get better for you." The Malfoy boy patted his back. "You deserve it."

Jasper Wright beamed at him, seeing how his childhood friend changed from the moment he first saw him. It is clearly because of Hermione's influence on him, and her love for him. Love does make people change for the better. But it was all Draven's choice to change, and Hermione's love is one of the reasons why he wanted to. Jasper hoped to have a special love like them and he was beyond happy to know that his childhood friend had already gotten the love of his life.

Draven was looking at his girlfriend, busy doing her writing. Strands of her hair fall on her face. His hand unconsciously moved and parted some of her hair strands placing them behind her ear. The Gryffindor girl felt her cheeks rush as she looked at him, who was staring at her, and smiled.

"Are you okay?" The Slytherin boy softly asked. "Do you want me to make your coffee?"

Hermione gratefully nodded at her as he stood up and went towards Gryffindor's kitchen. It was a simple gesture but she appreciated how he knew what she needed. Their understanding went to a deeper level which only the two of them knows.

"Thanks, love." She smiled as Draven gave her a cup of coffee he made. The Malfoy boy just smiled and sat down beside her. "You need help on that essay?"

"I'm fine. You go on, I know you needed to study." He said and continued to write down his essay.

It's been 1 AM, and the Gryffindor boys are almost sleepy, their eyes are starting to close. Hermione noticed their drowsy state, Harry was forcing himself to open his eyes, reading the book. Ron was already sleeping and Jasper covered his face with a book, and he was already snoring.

"Alright, you can now go to your dorms. Draven and I will just clean this up." She said, waking up Ron and Jasper and the boys groggily stood up and walked upstairs. Harry also yawned and stretched his arms.

"Thanks, Hermione." He said and left the couple in the common room.

Draven yawned and stretched his arms. "I just finished studying Charms and Herbology, and I feel like my head's spinning around with words."

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