120. Mahotsava - The Coronation of Raghukulanaayaka

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The sun rose slightly above the horizon, and that single ray was enough to wake everyone up.

Except the king-to-be himself. Sita woke up to find her husband missing. She sprung up to her feet instantly, and rushed out to check the balcony and the corridors, but he wasn't there either.

However, she found all her siblings and their husbands coming towards their room, looking evidently excited. What was she going to tell them? That the one they were looking for, their Ram Bhaiya, was missing?

"Didi, good morninggg!"

Sita smiled sheepishly and nodded absentmindedly, still thinking about where Rama could be.

"Where's Bhaiyaaaa?"

Sita frowned. "You okay, chhoti? Why are you draaaaaaaagging everything, huh?!"

Shrutakeerti rolled her eyes. "Don't be pissed off on this day, please. Call Bhaiya!"

"Your Bhaiya is missing, alright?"

Lakshmana's jaw practically dropped to the ground and Shatrughna had to physically push his chin up to shut his mouth. "You'll get better food today, Laksh. Don't eat mosquitoes." he said, looking like the news wasn't quite news at all.

"Where's Bhaiya, Shatru?" Everybody except him chorused.

"He must be missing Pa terribly. We saw the trailer yesterday, didn't we? Either he'll be in the sabha, or in the room that used to be Pitashree's."


Rama had never felt this nervous in his life. When he was being crowned the crown prince, all those years ago, he had been extremely cool about it. He wasn't even closed to being flustered at the time. But now, when he was actually going to be the king, his mind was reeling. His heart had been racing as he thought about every responsibility he'd have. He'd have so much to do.

At the same time, he was also extremely excited for this opportunity. He was going to be able to serve the people. He would be able put into effect so many things that he had envisioned for the people all those years ago, in order to help them.

But the nervousness seemed to prevail. He had been running around the palace to get everything done (because he wouldn't just let his family do it all alone, would he?) for the past couple of days, but he couldn't even get a second's sleep because of everything in his mind.

It was then that he had felt, out of the blue, the need for a hand on his head, to calm him down with the aura of wisdom that came from experience. The only person he could think of, given this definition, and the need for a mentor for a ruler, was his father.

He remembered how badly he had wanted to see Rama ascend the throne. He recollected his every word to him, about him being a great candidate for an even better emperor than him. That, to Rama, was a massive compliment, because in his eyes, his father was always the best emperor. He would always be the best.

Rama was desperate to feel his father stroke his hair and give him his blessings before this momentous occasion of his life. If not that, he at least wanted to put his head in his father's lap and sleep one peaceful night before having to take on this responsibility - just like he had done before he had left to protect the yagya of Maharishi Vishvamitra, just like he had done the night before his wedding, just like he had planned to do the night before his coronation fourteen years ago.

So, he would do it. He went to the court, which was where Rama remembered seeing his father the most. He remembered the story he had been told, of him spending one whole night in the court as a young child, even sleeping there, because all he had wanted that night was his father, but he had been busy. He smiled, and wished he still had the fortune to be around him.

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