74. Rama's Rage

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"Back to square one!" cried Angada exasperatedly. "How are we going to cross this ocean? This was where we started! We need to move on!" When Lakshmana smacked his arm, asking him to shut up because his brother seemed to be in some serious thought, Angada rolled his eyes annoyedly. "Why don't you ask him? Not like hell snap at you if you ask him anything at anytime." he whispered to Lakshmana, but just as Lakshmana opened his mouth to reply, Rama spoke up.

"I'd snap at him too, Angad. But that's not the point. Since we've really not found any answer to this puzzle yet, maybe we should ask each one who is willing to give an idea, right?" Without waiting for an answer, he simply continued. "Yeah, that's a good enough idea! Let's start! Who will go first?"

"Me!" cried Hanuman. Rama smiled and nodded almost excitedly. "I can become an airplane and-"

[PS: Let's pretend that they could see future and saw how airplanes in Kaliyuga worked, alright?]

"I can become the air hostess!" yelled Nala, blinking his eyes (like Karishma from Andaaz Apna Apna (purana nahi Khurana! Doctor Prem Khurana!) Okay sorry). "Kripaya apni kursi ki peti bandh leejiye-"

"And I'll be the pilot! Zooooooooooooooooooooommmmmm!" squealed (haven't you guessed it) Neela. "I'll drive you, Hanuman!"

"No, Neel, you missed a word there!" said Sugreeva seriously. When everybody looked at him curiously, he continued. "You'll drive Hanuman CRAZY! Not just Hanuman but all of us!" Everybody agreed, some with 'hmms' and some with the frantic nodding of their heads.

"Back to the point, I can actually carry everybody. I mean, it seems like it isn't feasible, but it actually is!" said Hanuman determinedly. Rama nodded, smiling.

"I love how determined you all are. Although I do know that these two, Nal and Neel, were joking around, it still displays your determination, doesn't it? Ready to be the pilot, huh?" said Rama. He patted the back of Neela, while the latter looked down almost embarrassedly for attracting enough attention to get a mention from the Prince of Kosala. Nala, least bothered by the fact that he was also the centre of attention, poked his friend every two seconds, grinning. "But, Hanuman, it's still not feasible to carry thousands of monkeys on yourself. We need to think of a more efficient option, which we will certainly come up with."


"Bhrata," began Vibhishana. He was somewhat nervous about saying this to his brother when he thought about it the first time, but the very next second, he knew that he needed to side with righteousness himself and somehow try to convince his evil brother to do so as well. He was courageous, very courageous to speak against Ravana, who was so used to servility from his brothers, sons, ministers, subjects, and practically anybody or anything else under the sun. "You should return Sita to Ram." he said firmly. Ravana snarled at him, his large teeth looking terrifying to anybody. Vibhishana didn't step back or give up. "Ever since Sita came here, Bhrata, we have seen enough of ominous indications. We have seen so many inauspicious omens. And yet, you refuse to return her to her rightful husband. Yet you refuse to understand her power and that of Ram!"

"Vibhishan! Mind your words! Do you even know whom you're talking to? And what are you telling me, that that Ram will fight me and cause harm of any sort to me! Haha! Never!" growled Ravana, cackling in front of all the ministers in the court.

"Bhrata, reconsider your decision. We have truly seen very bad omens. Don't you realise the most evident one of Hanuman burning down the entire island? Yes, we have rebuilt it, but only a city can be rebuilt, Bhrata. A battle, if started, will not be forfeited by either sides. If a battle is lost, all is lost, Bhrata. Please reconsider your decision, please, I beg of you!" cried Vibhishana, desperately wishing to save some lives and play a part in preserving righteousness in his land.

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