2. The Gift

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It was Rama's birthday. Wouldn't you expect him to be the most excited one? No! It was his brothers. They couldn't wait, they just couldn't. And Rama wouldn't understand what was that special in just a birthday.

"Guys, will you relax? What's the big deal? It's just a damn birthday," said a frustrated Rama, after seeing his brothers literally jumping around in excitement for his birthday.

"Bhaiya it's not just a birthday," said Shatrughna, pinching his oldest brother's cheeks.

"It's your birthday!" screamed all the younger princes at the same time, as they jumped on the large bed.

Rama was genuinely annoyed, and he was murmuring things to himself in frustration.

"Oh Bhaiya! Come on, cheer up! Just because you aren't this cheerful on birthdays, can't we be?" asked Bharata with a mischievous wink.

"Bharat Bhaiya! You know, he's just being complicated. He's the oldest among the four of us, so he's trying to act full-on matured," said Lakshmana in a tone that clearly meant, 'I have got a chance to tease you with great difficulty, and there's no way I'm letting it go'

"Of course, of course. It's my birthday tomorrow, and you people are talking like that!" said Rama with some fake anger and disappointment. But who doesn't know that Lord Vishnu is a great actor, I mean, haven't we seen a lot of that?!

The three of them said "Bhaiya," at the same time, with the feeling of what one can call guilt.

"Sorry Bhaiya," they continued in chorus.

"Ahhaa! You guys fell for it, didn't you?" said Rama with a mischievous smirk. The three of their expressions made Rama laugh until his stomach hurt.

"Bhaiya, you're the oldest brother of the four of us. You shouldn't do this!" said an irritated Lakshmana.

"Waah! What an awesome logic!" said Rama rolling his eyes.


"Sumantra, I want you to arrange for an extremely grand celebration. We have a series of occasions, all my sons' birthdays!" said Dasharatha in excitement.

"Maharaj, you've been telling me the same thing for the past week! Don't worry, I've done all the arrangements," said Sumantra with a smile.

"I know Sumantra, but this will be their last birthday here for a long time," said Dasharatha as his face fell.

"Yes Maharaj, but it's only a few years. Besides, Gurukul is an important part of their lives. Or you can ask Gurudev to take them along later," said Sumantra, trying to highlight the positives.

"No, everybody is supposed to go to the Gurukul at the age of six, and that is what will happen. The rules is something I wouldn't want to change. Yeah....Forget it! Let's enjoy when we can, right? You should leave now, Sumantra, and take some rest," said Dasharatha.

"Sure, Maharaj. Pranam,"


"Laksh! Laksh, where are you?!" screamed Rama as he got out of his cozy bed. Lakshmana usually slept along with Rama, and it was unlikely that he'd wake up before Rama.

"Lakshman! Where are you, you idiot?!" asked Rama in frustration after looking for his younger brother for a long time.

'Maybe he's with Bharat or Shatru,' he thought to himself, before he was quickly whisked away by his Sumitra Maa for him to get ready. It was his birthday after all!

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