81. The Giant on a Rampage

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"Tell us something about him, Raja Vibhishan." said Rama, still looking at the giant demon's vague head. Vibhishana nodded, as everybody leaned in closer, curious to know about the giant.

"He is the largest demon in existence, Prabhu. No other demon can be as large as him. Once, when he was still a very young boy, he was so hungry that he ate up a number of living beings, like humans and practically anything he could find." Angada stepped back in disgust. How could somebody be like that? "At that time, frightened humans sought refuge in Devendra, who used his Vajra against Bhrata. Nothing quite happened to him. It was just that he was so furious, that he pulled out the tusk of Airavata, and thrust it into Indra's chest." Rama nodded, urging him to continue. "So then all the celestials went to Lord Brahma. There, Brahmadev called for the demons, and when he saw Kumbhakarna, he cursed him that he would sleep for his entire life. Now, Bhrata Ravan has awakened him, because this is technically a crisis."


"It's a crisis, Kumbhakarna, and that is why I've woken you up." said Ravana, his brows furrowing, as he looked at his giant brother while sitting in his aerial Pushpaka Vimana.

"Bhrata, but aren't you the one accountable for this?" he asked rather kindly, because Ravana deserved a lot harsher words for all that he had done. But Ravana just shook his head irritatedly.

"Stop it, Kumbhakarna. Not you too!"

"Bhrata, you shouldn't have discounted whatever our brother said. You certainly shouldn't have had a situation of him going to the enemy's side, even if you did not listen to him!" retorted Kumbhakarna, as Ravana inhaled sharply. "You should have listened to Maharani Mandodari, Bhrata, and to Vibhishan!"

"That is enough, okay? You will stop talking about the past. Whatever has happened had happened. We cannot do anything about that. Now, we need to focus on defeating then, because a battle that we have stepped into, cannot stop midway, without a result. It is impossible." said Ravana commandingly. Kumbhakarna nodded.

"I will serve you till every drop of blood is drained out of me, until I can't breathe anymore, until you get your victory."

Lightning struck as he said the last portion. Victory.


"Victory shall certainly be yours, Prabhu." said Angada, after taking Rama's blessings. "I'll fight till my end, but that Kumbhakarna will not be able to send us back today." Rama placed his hands on the young Prince's head, smiling.

"I'm sure of that, Angad." he said softly, before Angada smiled and bowed before Rama again and left to lead his army. Lakshmana walked up to his elder brother from behind and whispered in his ear rather creepily, as Rama turned back, shocked, almost breaking his little brother's nose with the boys he had in his hand.

"Bhaiya! It's me! Not Ravan or something!" he whispered irritatedly.

"Okay, but why are you acting like a thief or something? So sneaky?" asked Rama, surrounding his brows up, as Lakshmana grunted, shaking his head.

"Why on earth did you send him?" asked Lakshmana irritatedly. He had wanted to fight! Before Rama could reply, he continued. "That young prince of, what, twenty-two? You sent him to fight a practical giant, when I am here, with my hobby being wars and battles, I'm like nearly thirty-three now, and you don't send me! Amazing! I want to fight, Bhaiya! And I don't want that kid to get killed!" Rama chuckled discreetly, because if Lakshmana spotted the chuckle, he would go crazy.

"Lakshman, if age really mattered that much, then Gurudev, as in Guru Vishvamitra, would have never taken us along to get Tadaka killed." said Rama, grinning, as Lakshmana's annoyance increased by the second. "And then we wouldn't have gone to Mithila." His face fell, and Lakshmana shook his head, sighing. "And then I would not have broken the bow, and you would not have married Urmila, and Shatrughna wouldn't have married Keerti, and Bharat wouldn't have struggled to tell Mandavi that he loved her." he mumbled.

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