63. When Adi Sesha Decided That It Was Time To End The World

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The monsoon was dying down. Rama had lamented for enough time now. Lakshmana had tried to give him hopes and motivation of some sort, and he had, to some extent, succeeded, because Rama was still living.

The brothers had realised that there had been absolutely no rain for the past three to four days. But they thought that perhaps it would rain some more on the next day, and waited, instead of walking straight into Sugreeva's kingdom.

They decided to wait. And that wait never seemed to end. Rama had been having some serious issues with how depressed he had been for the past while and Lakshmana would get extremely worried when his brother wouldn't talk to him once in a while. Lakshmana's heart would sink when Rama would pretend to be sleeping just because he was not in the state to speak to anybody. Not even his Lakshmana. But one day, his brother decided voice his worry out.

"Lakshman, there hasn't been any rain for the past two to three weeks, really." he said, and Lakshmana hummed, nodding. "Perhaps Sugreev has forgotten!" Rama seemed alarmed now. Lakshmana looked enraged,which meant that whoever would come in front of him, except his Ram Bhaiya, of course, could potentially be reduced to ashes.

"Oh he is dead now!" said Lakshmana, eyes narrowed in rage. Rama, more than alarmed, was now infuriated. There, Sugreeva had really achieved an extraordinary feat. Infuriating Rama? That really was a feat!

"Tell him, Lakshman, that if I can kill Vali to help him, then I can kill him too! I can get my Sita back without him too! Tell him that I should not be underestimated by him. I can end the entire universe in no time, tell him that, and he too is a part of the same. I can easily kill him in an instant if he does not understand his responsibility!"
His voice did not display overconfidence. It was sheer wrath. It was unadulterated rage. And, it was also complete truth.


It seemed like there was an earthquake, or a calamity of equally destructive side effects. Which, one could say, was true. It wasn't a natural calamity. It was human made, certainly. And the human who caused the calamity could be called Lakshmana. Or it could be Rama, who sent Lakshmana. Or it could be Sugreeva, who was the reason for Rama to send Lakshmana. Well, that was not the point anyway. The point was that the monkeys were running haywire like they had all lost it and had literally gone mad. And some of them stood still, as though they had been frozen to death, but it seemed to Angada that it was a simple thing. Somebody had frightened these people to death. Not practical death, but you all know what is meant. And he knew that somebody. It was the prince of Ayodhya whom he had befriended during the onset of monsoon. And they had had a number of chats and he never behaved so menacingly. To be fair, though, Angada never did something that would require a perfectly civilised prince to suddenly become inhumanely violent and for him to turn from a perfectly poised human (as he thought) to a completely devastating being.

"Hanuman? Would you seriously be able to do anything in a situation like this? I doubt it!" said Angada.

"Why don't you call your Maa, Yuvraj?" said Hanuman.

"Well, Hanuman, Maa does not wield the sword too often." said Angada apprehensively, shaking his head in a clear no, while his eyebrows were raised.

"But she is one of the the most intelligent women in the world, really! And, Lakshman Bhaiya really respects women, you know. You weren't there when this happened. I'll tell you the story later, Yuvraj, but now, please call your mother, please!"

"Okay, okay! Don't forget to tell me the story though. Okay, I'll be back in a minute." said the crown prince.


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