62. Damsel in Distress

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The Vanara prince was walking across the forest regions, around Rishyamukha Parvata. A lot of people found the solace they sought in the woods. It was simply alluring. As he walked across, lost in thought, he suddenly heard the rustling of a few leaves and a thud. It sounded like someone or something had fallen to the ground.

He quickly walked in the direction from which he thought he had heard the sound. As he walked, he could see an orange coloured angavastra fallen on the ground, and as he took a step closer, he could see a hand too. Assuming that the person needed some help, he instantly ran towards him. It was a face he had seen before. Oh no! It was one of the princes of Ayodhya, his uncle's friends. He tapped the partially unconscious person on his cheek, waking him up a little.

"Who are you? I mean, name?" said Angada.

"L-Lakshman." mumbled the man feebly. Everything had blacked out for him a few moments back. "Water?" he continued feebly.

"Yeah, sure. J-Just hold on, stay here," said Angada, before rushing to get some water from a nearby place he knew. Meanwhile, Lakshmana sat up, still feeling very dizzy, but brushing all the dust off of his arm. "Here! Here you go." said Angada, returning.

"Thank you!" said Lakshmana, taking the glass of water, but before he drank it, he looked up suspiciously at the prince, eyes narrowed. "Who are you? Why did you get this for me, and from where? And why do you care if I'm fine or not? I don't get it! Ram Bhaiya is the only one I know!"


"Oh wait, are you Vali's son?" asked Lakshmana tentatively.

"Yes, you're so right! But why do you suspect me? I don't think I look that much like a dacoit or a criminal, now do I?" said Angada. Lakshmana smiled slightly. It somehow reminded him of his twin, how he'd counter you, joke around, even when you're supposed to be in a state when you aren't too well, or it's just absolutely unnecessary.

"Okay, sorry." said Lakshmana, before gulping down the water.

"Are you feeling better now? I suppose you are. You were looking so pale when I saw you fallen here, now you at least look a little like a human, unlike a mammal with all the blood and life sucked out of him!" said Angada, and Lakshmana rolled his eyes. "And if I may ask you, what happened that you were laying here almost lifelessly? No, not that bad, but how did you pass out?"

"No, I don't exactly know what happened. I had come here to collect some berries for Bhaiya-" he was interrupted by Angada grabbing the pouch of berries from his hand and examining it. "How rude is that? Why did you take that? Give it back!" scowled Lakshmana.

"It's a sweet berry. Why don't you have one or two of these? You'll feel better." said Angada. Lakshmana picked up a berry and ate it, scowling. "So, you were saying. Berries for Bhaiya."

"Yeah. So while I was returning, I suddenly felt like everything was moving, like, I don't know..." said Lakshmana innocently.

"You mean you were dizzy?" said Angada, giggling a little.

"Yeah, whatever!" grunted Lakshmana. "And I wasn't quite able to access any water or anything. And as I was walking, suddenly everything blacked out, I guess? I don't remember too well."

"Okay, fine. So when was the last time you ate?" Lakshmana rubbed the back of his neck in hesitation.

"Some days back, I guess," he said hesitantly.

"Days back? Okay, wonderful! Man, are you human or what? You're supposed to be eating. And may I know why you have dark circles that seemingly look like they're permanent? Just tell me, please?" said Angada.

The Inseparable PrincesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora