8. अयोध्या

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"Maharaj, a messenger from Mithila has brought for you a message from Rajarishi Janak,"

"Respectable King, the King of Videha, Raja Janak, has sent across this message for you. May I read it out?" asked the messenger formally.


"O King Dasharath, Maharishi Vishvamitra graced the swayamvar of my daughter Sita, along with your sons, Ram and Lakshman. Ram lifted the bow of Mahadeva, on Maharishi's instruction, and his alliance has now been fixed with Sita. I hope you and your family have no objection to this.

I, the King of Videha, would like to invite you to Mithila, for your eldest son's wedding," the messenger read out.

Dasharatha, the Queens, Bharata and Shatrughna were all completely surprised. They didn't know how to react. Shatrughna was literally jumping, while Bharata tried to keep himself composed. The mothers were all extremely happy, but they had no idea what to say, it how to express their happiness. Dasharatha was in a similar state as Shatrughna.

He got up from his throne and announced loudly, "Ram is going to get married!!" He was excited like a little child. "Tell Rajarishi that we're going to leave for Mithila right away,"


"Bhaiya, I've heard our bhabhi, I mean Kumari Sita, has a sister," said Shatrughna. "Actually three! One, her sibling, and other two, cousins,"

"So? What am I supposed to do, Mr Dumbo?" asked Bharata, in a tone that indicated that he was least interested.

"Bhaiya, what if we're married off to them?" asked Shatrughna dramatically, and then burst out into laughter.

"In your dreams!" replied Bharata as he continued packing his clothes, and giggling silently, trying not to make Shatrughna realise that his ridiculous statement had made him laugh.


Lakshmana, for some reason, was in a mood to seek attention from his elder brother. Rama was sitting on the bed, his back against the headrest, in the room allotted to him. It was time for them to go to bed, and as expected, Lakshmana entered the room, more exhausted than usual and sat next to his brother.

"What's up, Laksh? Looking quite tired, huh?" Rama said, putting his arm around his brother affectionately.

Lakshmana, put his head on his brother's shoulder and sat there for barely two minutes, before he moved towards Rama's feet to massage them.

"Laksh, stop it!" said Rama. "Look at yourself. You've had quite a long day, which means you need to stop your nonsense and sleep, right now!"

"Bhaiya, who knows when I'll get this chance again? You're getting married, so I can't just barge into your room like earlier, can I?" he said with a smile.

"Oh Laksh, stop being such an idiot!" said Rama, his hand on Saumitra's shoulder.

"But I'm not wrong,"

"You aren't," whispered Rama. "But you're still my brother, who occupies one of the foremost spots in my heart," continued Rama in a louder volume.

"Will I ever have you saying this to me again?" asked Lakshmana light-heartedly and continued to massage his brother's feet again.

"Lakshman, not again!" Rama said, with eyes enlarged.

"Bhaiya, for some time. Please?"

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