6. मिथिला

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The two princes had left Ayodhya and were with Maharishi Vishvamitra.

"Guard the yagya, Ram and Lakshman. The yagya is going to start soon," he informed.

"Ji Maharishi," they replied in unison, before they picked their respective bows & arrows and swords.

While the two radiant princes stood there, ready to defeat any attacker, Tadaka and her army came to create unnecessary havoc. However, they were in for a surprise. Oh how wrong they were in thinking that these two 'teenager boys' couldn't defend the yagya.

"Hey! There are little kids trying to defend the yagya of that Vishvamitra!" screamed Tadaka in her hoarse voice before laughing ever so loudly.

Rama and Lakshmana laughed and looked at each other, conveying 'What an idiot she has to be, to think of us as just boys,' Not that they were overconfident, but they were a hundred percent sure that it was always Dharma that will win, and they were with that side, while Tadaka was on the other end.

"Attack!" screamed Tadaka.

The army of Rakshasas tried everything they possibly could, before half of them already got exhausted.

"Bhaiya, you guard this side, I'll go there," said Lakshmana.

The army of demons automatically got split into two, and the princes dealt with either half. The sages inside the Ashrama looked at the boys in awe, as nobody had expected these two princes to do the wonders nobody else in the world could.

It was a thoroughly enthralling sight to see. As much as the Rakshasas tried to wound the brothers, not a little bit of harm would they've caused to them. And the boys, they simply took arrows from their quivers and silently placed it in their bows, before they shot it at the enemy and he, or she, was dead.

Tadaka and Subahu were killed by Rama, thereby protecting the yagya successfully.

"I shall teach you both the use of some special astras and powers," said Vishvamitra.

He trained the boys in the use of the celestial missiles and their annulment. He also narrated the legends of Vamana, Brahmadatta, Uma's curse, Kartikeya and more, while he, along with the princes, was on the way to Mithila. On their way, Devi Ahalya was also relieved of her dreadful curse by Raghava.

On reaching Mithila, the sage and the princes received a lavish welcome, by the King, Rajarishi Janaka and the Queen, Devi Sunayana. The guests were asked to take rest, and relax in the palace, after their long journey.


"Bhaiya, this palace is beautiful, isn't it?" asked Lakshmana, walking by the little fountain like structure near the palace compounds.

"It is,"

"Exc...excuse me?" he stammered.

"It's our palace. I'll show you every place around here?" she said. "Oh and I'm Sita, the daughter of Janaka,"

Lakshmana just dared to bring his glances to meet hers, and he immediately lowered them back down, in pure, unadulterated respect, similar to what he had for his mother. He immediately turned back to look for his brother, who was standing there, and adoring his to-be wife.

"Please take my brother along, Devi," he said mischievously.

Rama started coughing uncontrollably on hearing what his brother had just said. Sita couldn't control her laughter on seeing these two boys playing around like that. Their bond reminded her of herself and her Urmi.

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