118. Preparations

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Before we start, I'd like to request some of the more silent readers to say a hi, here? It would be lovely to get some feedback from y'all too! No compulsions of course, only do it if you're comfortable. But I thought of asking-

Anyway, chapter begins-


"Two days left for the coronation, people." said Lakshmana. "We've gotta get going with all the arrangements in full swing at least now!"

"I agree." said Bharata. "For the first time, I agree with him. We can't be chilling anymore. So I'm getting to work right now."

Rama walked into the room where this serious conference was happening. "What's going on, boys?"

"Just trying to get to work-"

"A big chunk of the work has already been done." Shatrughna declared. "Invitations sent, gifts bought for the guests, we've invited the sages as well, and I guess that's all?"

"Also, the public is welcome-"


"Is the new crown the jeweler was making for Bhaiya ready?" Lakshmana asked. "And Bhabhi's too."

"It's being worked on, Laksh." Rama replied. "Don't worry, he's getting it here today, and we can all have a look at it. Same for your Sita Bhabhi's crown and jewelry as well."

"Yours and Bhabhi's clothes? We'd asked for the exclusive-"

"You'd asked for some exclusive stuff, Bharat, and it's being worked on too. That's going to be here anytime now, I was informed." said Rama, smiling fondly at how dedicatedly his brothers wanted to contribute to this.

Hanuman walked in. "Sorry for disturbing you all, but Prabhu, your clothes have come. But the weavers have sent extra clothing, and blessings too, for all of the royal family. The elderly said they're doing this because the king and queen to be and the princes and princesses are like their children, so they'd want to bless all of you with what they're best at, and that's their craft - weaving. Some beautiful clothes, Prabhu." He gestures for the clothes to be brought in and they were beautiful indeed.

Each of the robes looked distinctly different from the other, but they all looked equally grand, and yet were pretty subtle and sophisticated.

For Rama, it was his favourite peetambara of course, and he loved it, with the intricate, thick gold border that was there. His angavastra was a contrasting navy blue, which would match most of his Queen's outfit.

For Sita, there was a gorgeous saree in navy blue, with a thick golden border. But the highlight was the little white jewels that were studded all over the saree, almost making it look like they were stars in the night sky. Complementing her golden skin, Sita would look like the most beautiful being ever (which she always looked like, and was), in that saree.

"Also, they've written a collective letter for you and everyone else." he said, handing the letter to Rama.

Raja Ram, and Rani Sita, you're both just like our own children, as are your brothers and sisters. Wishing you all the very best for your future, and wishing you success and happiness in everything you ever do, we've sent you some tokens of love and affection which we would be delighted to see you don at the momentous coronation.

Rama smiled brightly at the lovely words the weavers had written for him and his family. He hoped he could repay their faith in him by being a good ruler, and giving them everything they'd need and want.


The crowns for the king and the queen arrived. The first ones to rush to take a look at it were their siblings of course.

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