Captain ➢ Yoongi

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"Captain, are you sure you want to do this? We can just plan a another set up fo-"

"No, there's no other way, there's no other time." The captain said as he just form a flat expression. It's not that fierce though, just his calm expression.

"S-sir yes sir!"the soldier saluted as the captain just give him a quick nod.

"Captain Min!"the captain turned to the side to see a man going to attack him. He smiled a bit as the man smack his chest.

"I'm sure there's another way!" The man cried as he glared at captain min.

"Lieutenant Park, there's no other way. A soldier do what a soldier have to do. Don't worry, I'll be fine." He said as he started walking on the hallway, hands on his back, lieutenant Park following him.

"Have you already.. talk to the king about this? I mean, the crown prince as the king was dead so he-"

"Yes, he knows my plan."the captain mutters.

"What about the princess?" The captain frowned at the words he just heard. He stopped on his tracks looking at the garden, and there, he spotted... You, the princess.

"Captain, does the princess know your plan?"the lieutenant asked. The captain heaved a sigh as he turned to the garden.

"I guess I'll get going, Captain." The lieutenant saluted as he walked away. The captain remained with a straight face as he walk to your direction.

"Good afternoon, Princess."he greeted. You turned to him and formed a smile.

"Good afternoon too, Captain Min."You turned your wheelchair to face the captain.

"Do you want to go for a little walk with me?" Yoongi mentally cursed on himself by asking that dumb question.

"I-i mean- let's just go." You chuckled and just nod. Yoongi walked behind you as he grab the handle of your wheelchair and push it.

"Princess, i have something to say."the captain said as he continue pushing the wheelchair.

"What is it, captain?"You, the princess, asked.

"I have to go somewhere. I have a mission to be done."he paused.

"Why is your voice sounding like that? You're not going to be gone for long, right?" You asked.

"Of course."he chuckled as he stopped on his tracks and of course the wheelchair too. He walked in front the wheelchair and kneel infront of you.

"But I'm sorry."he said, didn't missed the chance to lock his eyes with you. Your eyes knit as you look at him confused.

"I'm sorry for what I'll do." The time was fast as it ticks until you just knew, he already crashed his lips with yours. His eyes was closed. Yours was widen in the sudden shock. You didn't expect this to happen. He moved his lips as you just closed you eyes and moved your lips on sync with him.

On the minute he broke the kiss, you pursed your lips together as you slowly opened your eyes.

"I-i'm sorry princess, I-i shouldn't have done that."he stood up straight as he slightly bit his lower lip.

"Captain, please stay with me. Don't leave me." You looked up to him.

"I.. love you. You do too, right?"you asked, forming a smile. He just bit his lips more to stop himself from crying.

"Okay, just please promise me you won't leave me."you formed a hurt smile 'cause he didn't even budge or just say the 'i love you' back. He can't stop himself anymore. He immediately hugged you tight.

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