Vampire ➢ Jimin

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You breathed heavily as you woke up from a freakin' bad nightmare.

"Oh my gosh. What was that?" You wiped the forming sweats on your forehead as you walk downstairs and headed to the kitchen. You drank some water to cool you down a bit before heading to your sheets after.

When the morning comes, You did your morning routine as you wear some comfortable clothes. Your bestfreind, Jimin, said he'll be there on your house by 10:00. You guys are pretty close for almost 12 years.

You open your phone and saw 20 missed calls and 3 unread messages from jimin. You looked at it confused. You didn't open your phone since yesterday when the two of you bid goodbyes from the restaurant. It's out of battery so you let it to charged for like all night. You opened the unread messages.

Chim: Y/n ! Unznk

Chim:Plrasw help!@?#(


"Huh? That's strange? What could be the reason for all of this?" You asked your self. You just waited for him to arrive but until 10:30, he still don't arrive yet.

"Maybe he's late? No—Yes. . . Maybe he is. He's always Jimin." You chuckled at yourself.

You glanced at the wall clock and see that it's already 10:58 but still, no jimin arriving. You started to feel sort of— Worried. You change into some formal clothes and shoved your wallet and phone on your purse before leaving the house.

"What can be his problem? Is he sick?" You continue to ask yourself. You look for taxi and after just not that long of waiting, you finally found one.

"Maybe i should call him." You mumbled as you pulled your phone out your purse. You dialed his number as you waited for him to pick it up but it's just ringing.

"What the??" The 9th time you called, it's out of service, or perhaps—Out of battery?

"This is my stop, thanks." You thanked the driver as you pay for the ride. You cocked an eye brow as you just continue walking to jimin's apartment. You knocked on the door but no response.

"Chim? This is Y/n. Are you home?" You knocked on the door multiple times but still, no response. You decided to call him again to ask if he's home or not but he won't pick it up.

"Yah! Jimin. Aren't you—"

"Are you looking for Park Jimin?" An old man appeared behind you but not that near. He's on the pathway infront of jimin's door with a broom and garbage can.

"Um. . .Yes? Do you know if he's home?" You asks.

"Yes he is. Just knock louder. I saw him entering his apartment last night but he really looks exhausted. Maybe he's still sleeping." He said and you just nod.

"Yah! Jimin! Wake up you sleepy head!" You shouted as you really banged on the door but you just noticed, it's not locked. Just a big couch right behind it.

"Huh? What's wrong with this guy?" You asks as you entered the apartment. Some papers and things scattered on the floor. You pushed the couch off the way through the door.

"What a horrible scene here." You playfully rolled your eyes. You saw Jimin walking down the stairs.

"Yah Jimin. The door's open so i just ent-"

"What are you doing here Y/n?" He asked with a cold tone voice.

"Sorry i didn't answer your call last night. My phone got out of battery so— Why the hell are you asking for help again?" You asked as you look at him. His body is pale as his eyes widen seeing the door open.

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