Kidnapper ➢ Jungkook

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You don't have a pretty good communication with your father. In other term, YOU HATE HIM. He throw freaking stupid parties on your mansion, and even make out with some random hoes in front your mother. You despise him. Once before, he made you fire a pregnant woman just because she's late. He made you look so cruel, even its against your will.


"I'm sorry noona. . . But you have to leave." You said as you pointed your finger to the company's exit. You're just a five years old kis so you literally don't know what you're doing, and your father made you do that.

"Please! I'm begging you— I need this job! I-i h-have a family to support, please don't fire me." She begged and even kneeled down in front you. You fiddled with your small fingers.

"Shoo her away Y/n, or else i'll get angry to you." Your father whispered from behind.

"I'm really sorry noona, but you have to leave. Rulea are rules. You're late so you will literally lose your job." You pitied the woman but there's nothing you can do.

"I-i understand m-maam," you helped the woman stand up.

~end of flashback~

Today, you're in the hospital, waiting fir your mother. She's having an operation because of sudden heart attack. You still waited for your father, thinking he'll come if he still care. . . But looks like, its never gonna happen anymore.

After exact 30 minutes, a woman dressed up as the doctor came out from the operation room. You immediately approached her.

"Is the operation successful, doc? How's my mother? Is she f-fine?" You bombered her questions, hoping to get a positive answer but what you saw made you lose all that hope. She lowered her head and sighed.

"I'm really sorry to say this but. . . She didn't make it. I'm sorry for your lost." She said. You froze in your spot as your mind process anything— until your senses hitted you. You choked into tears. The doctor left a sympathetic sigh before walking away. You fall down the floor, still a crying mess.

"Are you ok?" A random guy approached you. You don't have time to answer that question, and it seems the guy understands. He helped you on the nearby stall.

"Th-thank you." The guy nod his head and then walked away.

That's when you processed it all. This is all your father's fault. Your mother git an heart attach because she caught your father making out with some other woman, definitely just around your age.

He even said that the young woman is beautiful and isn't useless, not like your mother. You fucking hate him. You was about to stand up for your mother and beat the shit out of your father without caring that he's still your parent but then your mother collapsed on the floor— resulting this.


After a week, your mother is in peace now. But aren't that stupid to just forget all of it. You won't forgive your father— never.

You don't even care if your father is mad or whatever, just because you've been ignoring him this past few days but WHY THE HELL DOES HE STILL CARE?! You might thought. He's a disgusting piece of shi— please have mercy on you. Even though of course, you hate him. . . He's still your father. But it doesn't mean that you'll still respect him after all he had done.

You were currently walking to the mall when a van pulled over and pulled you in. Of course you let out a yelp but then a hand covered your mouth. A guy with a black mask glared at you. Of course you're scared, as far as you know you didn't even do anything but then it hits you again, YOU WERE KIDNAPPED!

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