Mr. Ghost ➢ Yoongi

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"New home sweet home~" Y/n sing sang as she walk inside a new house with box on her hand. She placed it above the other box as long as she made her way inside. She smiled as long as she finished putting the boxes inside.

"I think that was the last box!" She exclaimed, placing her hands on his waist with a smile.


"Huh?" She snapped her head to her room's direction after hearing the sound. She headed upstairs and open the door.

"How..." She saw the pile of box scattered down the floor. Y/n slightly frowned as she headed to the window and open it.

"It must be a cat or something?" She scratched the back of her neck.

Meanwhile Yoongi behind the door shook his head.

'Idiot.' He thought.

Y/n turn back and was about to leave but she saw a different FOOT behind the door. She slowly made her way to the door and slowly close it only to be face to faced by a pale man who's looking at him in shock.

"Ahhhhh! Who are you?! What are you doing in my house?!" She exclaimed.

"Wait. . . You can see me?" Yoongi took a step forward, which automatically, made y/n took a step backward.

"Of course idiot! I have eyes! Ahhh who are you?! I'll call the police!" She took off her shoes and pointed it to him, as if its her weapon.

"This is my house too!"  Yoongi exclaimed.

"What do you mean 'this is my house too'?! I bought this place! Its mine now! The police is on their way!" Y/n said but before she can even say another word, the unfamiliar man vanished.

"What the. . . Yah! Where did you go?!" Y/n look around the house but the unfamiliar boy is nowhere to be seen. She just sighed as she continued arranging her things, totally forgetting about the scene just happened this morning, which really confused her a lot.


"Ah finally!! Finished!" Y/n exclaimed as she made her way to the kitchen. She cooked herself some instant noodles and stuffed herself up. She then take a bath afterwards, then throw herself on her bed.

"I have to wake up early tomorrow for school!" She said, setting the alarm on her alarm clock.

"The alarm's set, now, time to sleep." She smiled as she made herself comfortable on the bed and drifted on her dreamland.

"Watching you around make me dizzy, oh god." Yoongi frowned as he passed against the door and headed downstairs. He made his way to the new couch and lie down there, before also drifting on his own dreamland.


Y/n immediately started doing her morning routine once the alarm started ringing. Yoongi downstairs who's already awake since 3 in the dawn, slowly made his way out the house.

After slipping onto her uniform, Y/n walk downstairs and cooked something for her breakfast then ate it afterwards. She then brushed her teeth and DONE! She grab her bag and headed to the front door but taken aback seeing the doorknob twisted open.

"Did i left the door open last night? Oh my god. I'm so careless." She cursed under breathe. She made her way out the house and LOCKED it before walking to school.

She put on the most genuine and polite smile on her face as she walk past the group of students on the hall.

<TIME SKIP> [Cuz I'm really lazy so sowwyy😁]

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