Switch Bodies ➢ Jungkook

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Jungkook smacked the alarm clock as long as it rings.

"Morning again," he groaned and was supposed to move but stopped when he felt something odd. His chest, feels heavy? And why the heck is his abdomen paining?!

He sat up, eyes closed as he let out a big yawn. He made his way out the bed and headed to the direction where he knew is his bathroom, well-

"What the fuck?!" He massaged his forehead when he bumped on a wall. He glared at the wall only to realize that his way was wrong. He muttered more curse as he made his way to the bathroom.

He washed his face and look at the mirror. But then yelp when he saw a girl's figure?

"W-what the.." He touched his face only to feel a soft skin. He glared at the mirror as his nose let out smoke, and his insides boil in anger.

"Kim Y/n! You're so dead!"


Y/n groaned as the alarm keep ringing. She turned it off as she got up. She rubbed her eyes and look around.

'Wait. . . This isn't my room?' She thought.

She continued looking around, confused, as she climb out the bed, getting onto her feet. The room, it was indeed messy, like a tornado just passed there. She was confused af right now.

She walk to a door and slowly open it only to see a bathroom inside. The smell was nice but its also odd. Y/n knew she smelt this scent before but, where? She stepped inside and walk to the sink to wash her face, just like what she do every day, but got silent in utter shock as she saw a different reflection on the mirror.

"J-jungkook?" She muttered and was about to touch the mirror but then realized-

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I am jungkook! No- stupid Y/n, I'm on jungkook's body!" She exclaimed as she covered JUNGKOOK's naked chest.


"That fucking witch, this is all her fault! She swapped our body in purpose!" Jungkook head out the room and stomp out Y/N's apartment.

"Don't she have car or something? Oh whatever." He immediately start walking on the pathway.

"You're really dead." He cursed. He continue doing that, STILL on Y/N's pajamas. He stop walking as the traffic light is still green. He glared at this two person who's laughing about his look.

"What are you looking at? Stop looking and mind your own business." He spatted. The traffic lights turns red. He immediately walk through the pedestrian and continue walking to HIS apartment.

"Why do my abdomen keeps on paining?!" He exclaimed out of frustration. He just ignored the people who looks at him, then laugh.

"At last. I'm here." Jungkook immediately barged in HIS apartment, locked the door and stomp up his room. He stomp in HIS room, startling Y/n.

"J-jungkook-" Y/n trailed in utter shock.

"Yah! You witch! Give me my body back! I know you did this on purpose! You're a witch! You do magic magic like that! Give it back!!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"How many times do i have to tell you that i'm not a witch?! And same to you as well, give me MY BODY back! Yours is disgusting!" Jungkook acted shocked, which he really is.

"Did you just take a peek?!"

"What? No!" Y/n shouted back.

"Did you just touched my body right now? You just touched it! Ughh! You little piece of shi-" Jungkook started charging to Y/n with Y/n's tiny body, but guess, no effect.

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