Brother ➢ Jimin

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"PARK Y/N! Stop shouting your lungs out! Your little sister is asleep for peet's sake!" Mother looked at me, glaring.

"Eomma, its Jimin who started it." I pouted.

"Just stop, you two." She sighed before entering my little sister's room. Jimin turned to me and stuck out his tongue before running to his room then shut the door closed. I marched to it and barged in.

"You won't get this from me~" he then started bouncing on his bed. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I climbed up on his bed to grab and get my phone but he raised it and smirked at me.

"Mark my words, Park."

"Idiot. Why are you like this?! Give it back!"

Ok fuck my height. I'm sure this idiot is so happy that he can even pull out a party for being 3 inches tall than me.

"Oh! There's a message from your boyfriend!" He grinned but i snatched my phone out his hands and run out his room then dashed to my room and closed the door.

I throw myself on my bed and smiled as i open the text message, But my smile dropped after reading the message sent by my boyfriend.

Hi baby, I know saying this on text message is stupid but i want to clear my feelings out now. I don't want to act anymore. I've lose interest on you. I don't love you anymore, y/n. Please don't be angry. And plus, I've found another girl. I'm so really sorry.


My eyes were forming tears as it flow down my cheeks. The door open as i snapped my head towards it only to see Jimin grinning mockily at me, but it quickly vanished in just on snap as long as he saw my state.

"Y/n, what happened?" He asked. And that's when i burst into tears. I burried my face into a pillow and let all my tears out. I heard his footsteps and so on, felt a hug.

"Don't cry, shh." He rested his chin on ny shoulder as he hug me tight, his hands stroking my back to maybe, comfort me.

"Why are you crying?" He softly asked. I grab my phone and handed it to him. He looked at me confused but immediately adverted his attention to my phone. I bit my lower lip as i looked at him with puffy eyes, now trying to hold my cries.

His face frowned as his fist clenched.

"How could he?! And yes its really stupid to do this on TEXT MESSAGE! Wtf, i knew this guy is a jerk! No one can do this to you Y/n, No one can do this to my little sister! No one can make you cry like this! You look- What i mean NO ONE is not even a guy who's a butt face!"

And now he's exaggerating. But still- I loved Junho. I cried harder.

"Ok ok I'm sorry. But Y/n, you deserve better lil' sis. Ya know, there's still other guys there who's courting you, who's begging for you to love them, who'll do anything for your love. Now don't cry, you'll look ugly. See?"

I cracked at his facial expression. He smiled and pat my back.

"Now you're smiling. That's my lil' sis. I know you loved that guy but he don't deserve your tears. You're PARK JIMIN's sister, means, you're special." He said.

"Special child?"

"Oh please Y/n, Shut up. You're ruining our moment." We both laughed.

"But seriously, Don't cry anymore. And remember, if you have any problems or having a hard time, I'm always here. I'm here to make you feel better." He winked at me.

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