Cooking Competition ➢ Seokjin

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"So Kim Seokjin's my competition?" I asked Jina, my friend from cooking class and who also supports this competition. She said she's here to support me or whatever.


Kim Seokjin, Aish that guy's getting to my nerves. Everyone knows that my cooking is the best than anyone else.

"Why do he have to appear like, EVERYWHERE?!" I exclaimed in frustration.

"Hey easy there Y/n, of course there's always a chance that you'll see him EVERYWHERE cause you're both onto cooking ok? And, why are you even like that? You're acting like that guy do a really bad thing to you. Be nice bub." And there- wait did she just lectured me? Ok know what? Whatever.

"Contestant, you can know go on your designated cooking area. Pick any area, its all the same though." Jina smiled as me as i headed to the area near the wall, but then, Seokjin appeared smirking at me.

"I got here first." He said.

"Psh," i rolled my eyes and walk to the other area.

"Ok contestants, is it all settled? You may now begin on your own dishes. And remember! You only have 2 hours to complete it, including the plating. Empress us!" And the host's little speech finished, which is my que to get started. I'm making my own recipe so no plagiarism can occur.

I noticed that all of the contestants, including me, are really focused on they're own doings. I just wish i win this competition so that one right there won't tease me. I look over to seokjin only to see him already looking at me.

"Aish," i almost cursed under my breathe.

I continued minding my OWN business and got finished even until the last minute. I'm confident man, shut up. I know i did best.

"Now, its time to taste your delicious dishes." The host smiled. We lined up, holding our own dishes as the judges taste it one by one.

"What's your name?" The old woman judge, asked Seokjin.

"Kim Seokjin madamé," he smiled.

"Your food is delicious. I don't have anything to say dongsaeng." The judge smiled. Seokjin vowed to her. Ok now its my turn. I slightly smiled as the judge did as well.

"What's your name pretty lady?" The judge smiled.

"Kim Y/n maam," i gave her my most beautiful smile, of course its genuine, while holding my plate as she grab the chicken by her chopsticks. I heard seokjin slightly snorted.

I noticed the judge scrunched her face as she let out an unread expression. Internally, I'm so fucking nervous! What if she won't like my dish? I'm doomed. Get ready to be teased non stop Kim Y/n-

"This is perfect!" My eyes widen.

"I mean, the taste, its tickling my taste buds! You're a great cook Y/n." She smiled at me. The people clapped their hands as i feel appreciated.

"Thank you very much maam,"

"You are welcome young lady," then the competition continued. The judges continue to taste each contestants foods, and now, its the time I've been waiting for. They'll announce the winner!!

I saw Jina clapping her hands as she mouthed me ' You did great!! '. I smiled at her. The old woman judge took the mic, still with that smile on her face. She said something to the host while he just nod his head.

"Ok everyone, i know you guys have been waiting for this part of competition. Now, please give me the chance to announce who will be the lucky winner. I just want to say, every contestants dish is so delicious. That's it, i don't have anything to say. You guys surprised me." The people clapped their hands. The old woman judge held a envelope and open it afterwards.

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