Stuck ➢ Seokjin

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I'm walking down the school hallway when a guy bumbed on me. I looked up only to see my worst nightmare- no other than Mr. Airhead Kim Seokjin. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Didn't you saw me right there?" He asked, rising an eye brow.

"I have no time for an argument Seokjin. Can you just let me roam around and peace, without any problem caused by you?" I glared at him and pushed him to the side.

"How dare you do that?!" He suddenly screamed.

"Kim! Kang! What's happening here??" Our professor suddenly appeared from now where and walk to us. I just lowered my head and sighed.

"I'm not doing anything prof! She just push me without any reason!" And there he is again, putting the blame on me. He makes my life miserable as in, EVERYDAY! I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Is that true Ms.Kang?" I can see our professor eyeing me. I can also see Seokjin's disgusting smirk on his face.

"Y-yes maam- I'm sorry." I sighed.

"Well i have no choice, i have to put you two on a detention." She said that made my eyes widen.

"What?! Prof. . . There's no need for that." Seokjin complained.

"I don't want to hear any complains from you Mr.Kim. I'm so disappointed in you two." She sighed.

"I understand maam." I muttered. She just nod and walk away, ofcourse i followed her. Seokjin just rolled his eyes and continue walking behind us. I look at him and gave him a death glare.

So yeah, I don't know why but he keeps on pestering me. Sometimes, i don't really understand him at all. We're 'ex best freinds' and after maybe we got to college, he started hanging out with the bullies and not me. I feel sad about it but he choosed them over me, and nothing i can do about it.

Our professor left us in the detention room. I just rest my head on my arms and take a nap.


I woke up seeing Seokjin's face staring at me. His head resting on the table as his eyes were like, scanning my face. Am i drooling? Oh god, what an embarrassing moment. When he noticed that I'm already awake, he sat up straight and cleared his throat. I sat up straight too and rubbed my eyes.

"The professor said we can get out now. Our time is already finished." He said, looking at the door. I just nod and made my way out the detention room.


"Can you put this to the stock room Y/n?" Mrs.Choi asked me as she pointed to the boxes in her desk.

"Ofcourse Miss." I smiled and grab the boxes.

"I know i can always rely on you." She smiled. I just nod a bit before walking out her classroom. I saw Deina eyeing me.

"Tch, teacher's pet." She whispers when i walk pass her. I just rolled my eyes and made my way to the stock room.

On my way there, i bumbed into someone again because this boxes made me barely see the way.

"What the- Oh god! This is the second time you bumped on me! Don't you have eyes?!" Yes, Mr. Kim Seokjin again. Why do he have to be the one I'm bumping to?

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