Duo Thief ➢ Taehyung

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Hey guyssss~ I'm back HAHA, Okay. Since i was very crazy about the new movie on Netflix ❗RED NOTICE❗, I would like to make an imagine. Please read this so you can know what I'm saying🤧.


"Stay away from me. I can do my job alone," you snarled as you fix your coat and watch people walk at the pedestrian and pathways. You're just waiting for the right time to spot a new target, but for your luck, this one here follows you.

"But i want to be your partner! We can do team work." He said in a very childish way as he totally is.

"Tea- Team wo- Team what? It feels weird on my mouth, team work. wtf, it really feels weird." You mumbled. You smirked as you spot a wealthy man like. He's like a business man. You purposely bumped on him.

"I'm so sorry." You sarcastically apologized as you bow your head slightly.

"Watch where you're going,"he grumpily said as he continue to talk with the person in his phone. Busy much huh.

"Hey, that's bad" taehyung furrows his brows. You just rolled your eyes and flip the wallet you just picked from that man then shove it on your coat pocket.

"Usual thing." you said as you walked away, this taehyung here still following you. He was a boy from your old town. He's an orphan, same as you. He don't have parents 'cause they died long time ago. He started following you around as if he's a puppy waiting for his owner to play with him, which is definitely you.

"If you don't hire me as your partner, I'll tell that man you robbed his wallet." You rolled your eyes again.

"Go on." You walked away, unbothered.

"Yah, i'm not kidding. I'll shout! Look, In three, two, one."

"Fuck," you muttered under your breath.

"Pickpo-" you immediately covered his mouth and gave him the deadliest glare you've ever had on your entire life. You removed your hands from his face. He just smiled and cupped your face.

"Get your hands off me." You slapped his hand away.

"Okay," you sighed dramatically. "But don't do anything stupid. Just do what i said then we're good." You said and he authentically nod showing his infamous 'boxy smile' again.

Oh you're done.


"I heard that this is his greatest possession so.. you do know what we'll do, right? It's pretty shiny too. I love that." You smiled, eyes glued to your computer.

"Yeah, yeah. When will we go?"he asked.

"Tomorrow. There's a mascaraed party at his so called mansion and there, we're going to do our plan. You're going to be my plus one." You said as you type something on your computer.

"This is gonna be fun."he giggled. Oh it is.


"I can't believe we're really partners in crime, y/nie. We'll stick to our plan, right?"he asked. You gritted your teeth and rolled your eyes.

"Stop talking to me as if we're not beside each other." He was talking to you by that ear piece you gave him a while ago. This guy is so dumb.

"I know what you're thinking, don't be so mean. I'm your partner after all."he said.

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